Zendesk Explore features a prebuilt dashboard to help you analyze the events and ticket activity that take place in Knowledge in the context panel. The dashboard can help you identify solved tickets with Knowledge activity, flagged tickets, agent activity, and more.
This article contains the following topics:
Accessing the Knowledge Capture dashboard
The Knowledge Capture dashboard is available only if Knowledge in the context panel has been turned on.
To access the Knowledge Capture dashboard
- In Explore, click the Dashboard icon (
) in the left sidebar.
- From the list of dashboards, select the Zendesk Guide dashboard.
- In the Zendesk Guide dashboard, click the Knowledge Capture tab.
Understanding the Knowledge Capture dashboard reports
The Knowledge Capture tab shows information about Knowledge activity, including articles that were linked from a ticket, articles that were created using Knowledge, and agent engagement with Knowledge.
The information in this dashboard is updated on a schedule based on your Explore plan. See Data refresh intervals for Explore reporting.
Knowledge Capture dashboard headline metrics
This tab displays the following headline metrics (KPIs):
- Agent engagement: The percentage of tickets with Knowledge activity from the total number of tickets. Cannot be filtered by agent name.
- Linked articles per ticket: The average number of articles linked to using Knowledge for each ticket. Cannot be filtered by agent name.
- Linked articles: The total number of articles that have been linked to using Knowledge.
- Flagged articles: The number of articles flagged for update in existing tickets using Knowledge. An article is not flagged in the ticket until the ticket has been saved at least once.
- Created articles: The number of articles created using Knowledge. Articles created without a ticket aren't counted in this metric.
Knowledge Capture dashboard reports
This tab displays the following reports:
Knowledge Capture activity by date: Displays the articles that were
linked to, flagged. and created using Knowledge over the date range you
Linked articles by selected attribute (top 10): Shows the number of
articles that were linked to using Knowledge. You can filter this by brand
or language.
Created and flagged articles by selected attribute (top 10): Shows
the number of articles that were created and flagged using Knowledge. You
can filter this by brand or language.
Agent engagement rate by month (12 months): Shows the percentage of
your agents that engaged with Knowledge and the number of tickets created
with it over the last 12 months.
Knowledge Capture activity by agent: A list of agents showing how
many articles they linked, flagged, or created through Knowledge.
Knowledge Capture activity by article: The articles that were linked
to or flagged by Knowledge.
Allison Sargent
+1 on being able to track the number of times an agent has VIEWED the article while in the KC app. As mentioned above, GA does not track this, and it makes it hard to truly identify the articles with low engagement (which we all use to determine if we should keep or delete internal content)
Ben Wanless
Is it possible to measure the Time to Resolution for Tickets where the Knowledge Capture link was used?
I would like to compare this to the overall Time to Resolution for tickets where it wasn't used to see if this feature helps solve tickets faster.
Kuldeep Patidar
Hello everyone,
I don't believe this question has been asked yet, but if it had and I overlooked it I apologize.
I would like to create a custom query to see when external HelpCenter articles are edited.
I’m trying to create on Zendesk Explore weekly alerts to review the US external Help Center article updated.
I try different queries, but I’m only able to find when an article is created/ published or linked to Zendesk ticket.
Can anyone please assist me to create alerts or weekly list of "Edited Articles", so we can be aware of when an article is updated?
NOTE: Currently, I'm having "Guide Legacy' plan.
Dan Borrego
Hi @...,
Unfortunately, this is something that currently cannot be built in a single query.
Knowledge capture uses the Guide: knowledge capture dataset, while for reporting on resolution time you should use the Support: Tickets dataset.
Combine 2 different datasets in a single query is not something possible and the Knowledge base app doesn't add any tag to the ticket for making it possible to see these tickets in the Support dataset.
You could create 2 Queries one for identifying the Knowledge Capture tickets and one for resolution and add them to a Dashboard but can't cross their information.
I am sorry this is not the answer you were hoping for, but please provide your feedback to our Product team, so they can work on that in the future.
Dan Borrego
Hi @...,
If I understood it correctly you would like to see every edit/update done in each article of your help centre.
For doing it I would advise you to create a new query using the Guide: team publishing dataset.
Something that can be a little confusing is what metrics and attributes you should select. For metric, I would advise you to use Article edited metric.
Under rows, I selected 3 attributes: Event type, Agent name and Event Date.
Heads up, Article edit will show under Translation edited (even if it is not a translation of your original article, but the original article itself) If you only want to see updates on it, you can filter Event Type to only show Translation edited.
If you have any problem setting it up, please send us a ticket and we will look into it.
Kuldeep Patidar
Hi Daniel - that worked thank you so much!
Andrew S
I made a feedback post about this, but since we use Guide as an internal knowledge base, it takes too many steps to add an article link internally, save, and get back to the ticket, so none of our agents are doing it and our reporting is useless :(
Mark Warnock
Hi - Is there a report that shows me:
This helps us understand the reduction effect that an article has through self-service. Additionally, where users are creating a ticket, how we can identify their actual query.
Any help or advice is welcome...thanks :)
Hey @...! While our Knowledge base dataset in Explore can provide insight into article views, tracking the subsequent actions taken from the articles is not yet something that is tracked in Explore. I encourage you to add your idea as a post to our Feedback on Explore community page.
I would also recommend checking out the options with Google Analytics. Here are our main articles about using Google Analytics, with Part 3 being the most relevant to your question.
Bill Decker
For the Knowledge Capture report, is there a way to exclude articles linked to internal notes in tickets?
The Knowledge Capture dataset does not have any attribute that can filter out linked articles from public or private comments. This is definitely a good feature to have given your use case.
Mike Landsman
This has been a frustrating experience as the Knowledge Capture Reporting not only picks up the activity of the Agent linking the article to the Ticket but ANY OTHER links in the Ticket including but not limited to links to your self-service site someone might have in their signature, or sending a User a password reset link to assist them, just to name a few. My Knowledge Capture data is skewed - potential by a factor of 3!
I boasted to Senior Management about implementing this Tool. When they asked me how's it going, I can only respond... "I have no idea and no reports I can share with you". Not a good look for me and my Team.
Anyone out there have any suggestions to overcome this??
Dave Dyson
Thanks for this feedback, I realize this is frustrating. There's a product feedback thread on this subject, so it'd be helpful to upvote and add your use case here: Knowledge Capture Reporting Needs Improvement: Should Reflect Actual Knowledge Capture App Usage
Gwyn Mabo
For Knowledge Capture activity by agent, it says it includes 'the percentage of their tickets that used Knowledge Capture' but I can't see this figure in the example above, or on my own dashboard?
Can this be found another way or is something missing here? As agents do different numbers of tickets, the % is the figure I really need for my analysis.
Gwyn Mabo
Hi Dane, that provides the overall figure, and a breakdown by number of tickets per agent. But I need the percentage for each individual person. When different people do a different number of tickets, percentage is the best measure.
You can try to create your own report by using the Knowledge Capture dataset > Agent Engagement Metric > Ticket Assignee Attribute.
Joel Sandi
Is there a way to report on the individual components of "Agent Engagement?" Specifically we want to understand link rate -- how many tickets have at least one article linked (overall, by group, and by individual)? Can we get this directly in a report, or would it require us to output data and calculate manually?
Also, curious on what the business value associated with number of articles linked per ticket is (particularly considering we cannot unlink articles attached mistakenly or otherwise deemed to be not conducive to resolution, which would bring that figure's reliability into question as it is). It's given quite prominent placement OOB, which feels like a very deliberate choice.
Hey Joel Sandi,
To answer your first question, you should be able to report on ticket information with an Explore Report using the Guide: Knowledge Capture dataset. There is a set of attributes categorized as "ticket" that allow you to look closer at ticket data from the Knowledge Capture App.
As for your second question, the articles linked per ticket metric, as well as all the metrics under the "Knowledge Capture" Dashboard tab, are meant to gauge performance metrics of the Knowledge Capture application, primarily. From a business value perspective, the articles linked per ticket metric could show pain points for your staff in your Knowledge Base. I would assume that ideally, you would want this number to be as close to 1 as possible (1 article for each ticket).
Simon Blouner (midlertidig)
It is unclear to me, what is covered in the "Agent engagement ratio" metric.
What is considered to be "Knowledge or Knowledge Capture app activity"?
More specifically, we want to know if it includes Agents' Opening articles, not necessarily linking them.
I feel the Agent engagement ratio only consists of Flagged, Created and Linked events.
Can anyone here shed som light on this?
Georgi Panayotov
I need the same as Gwyn Mabo's request - a percentage for each user name.
Cannot find a way how to calculate it. Once I add a User name to any widget/table, it shows 100%.
For the engagement engagement, these are tickets where any update using Knowledge or the Knowledge Capture app took place. More information can be found in Knowledge Capture dataset.
Simon Blouner (midlertidig)
Hey Dane
Thanks for the reply.
It is however still unclear to me "if where any update using Knowledge or the Knowledge Capture app took place", implying that the reading/opening of an article, inside Knowledge or Knowledge Capture, is counted as an event.
Concrete scenario:
Is the Viewing of an Article through Knowledge or Knowledge Capture, counted as an event in the dataset or not?
It will be the events that has [Knowledge Capture ticket ID] formula.
Mainly, Linked article tickets, Flagged article tickets, Created article tickets and Resolution article tickets. You can check the dataset article for each definition of those metrics.
Michael Mader
Hey all,
I've noticed that % agent engagement is counting on all assigned tickets (resolved and unresolved), rather than only solved. I'm curious as I haven't found a metric for solved tickets in the Knowledge Capture dataset, is there a way to report % agent engagement on only solved tickets?
[(created article tickets)+(linked article tickets)]/total solved tickets
It makes sense to me that if the customer engagement is still unsolved, the agent will still have an opportunity to link or create a knowledge base solution and thus it shouldn't lower their engagement metric.
Thanks for the assist!
Michael Mader
^^ Just noticed today, there is now a filter for ticket status! Thank you Zendesk for adding that!! This solves my problem!
Bobby Koch
Hey there, curious to see if there are any updates here, it loos like you can now filter on Solved tickets.
We are noticed that Created Articles = Published, or so we believe in Explore. Can we figure out a way to look at all of the created content, even if they are still drafts, from the Knowledge app?
Bill Decker
With the capture app going away, will internal articles linked via the knowledge context panel into internal ticket comments be picked up by the knowledge capture dataset in the canned Zendesk Guide report?
Guilherme Marcarini
Hello, i have a question about the “Knowledge capture acitivy by agent” dashboard.
We have two columns, “Linked Articles” and “Flagged Articles”, what is the difference between them? What actions count on each column?
Bobby Koch
Guilherme Marcarini
Log into zendesk support, and open knowledge panel. You will be able to see relevant articles in the knowledge app. There, you can review articles that are suggested, create an article, or request an article.
If you click into an article and hover over a paragraph (within the app) you can click the 3 dots and click “Add feedback” → this is flagging an article.
Linking an article to a ticket is what linking is. For example, a customer writes in with a question about resetting their password. If you had an article in your KB that is about resetting article, you can “link” it via the same app (knowledge) or pate the link in. This would then count as a linked article.
There are some weird inticities about the reporting but thats the basics.