To streamline the translation of your dynamic content, you can easily export the content as CSV (comma separated values) files that you can send off to a translation agency and then import the translated files back into your Zendesk. You can do this when first creating the dynamic content and any time you need to update the content thereafter.
An excellent way to manage your dynamic content translation is to first create all the dynamic content in your default language and then export the files. The export creates separate files for each of the languages you support in your Zendesk. Your translation agency can add all the translated content into the files and when you import the files back into your Zendesk the language variants will be created automatically for you. In other words, there's no need to manually create language variants in your Zendesk if you're sending the export files out for translation.
Exporting dynamic content for translation
You can quickly export all of your dynamic content into CSV files that you can send out for translation and then import back into your Zendesk when the translations are complete.
The export process creates separate CSV files for every language that you support. For example, if your default language is English and you also support French and German, the export generates the following three files:
- en-US.csv
- fr.csv
- de.csv
The CSV files are contained in a zip file.
- In Admin Center, click
Workspaces in the sidebar, then select Agent tools > Dynamic content.
- In the Import & Export section, select Export content.
- Click Export. When the export is complete, you'll receive an email containing a
link from which you can download the zip file. Note: You can export your dynamic content once in a 15 minute period. Additional requests to export the content within that period return results for the first request you made. After 15 minutes, the export will reflect any changes you made to the content since the first export request.
Each file contains all of your dynamic content in the default language in which you created them (in this example, English). Here's an example of the French CSV (fr.csv) file.
"Title","Default language","Default text","fr text","Variant status"
"Agent signature","English","The MondoCam Support Team","",""
"Welcome message","English","Welcome to MondoCam Customer Service!","",""
The first row of the CSV file is the header row, which contains the names of the data contained in the file: title, the default language, the default text of the dynamic content, the variant's language, and the status.
The CSV file can be opened in a text editor, a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel or Calc, or imported into some other translation system so that the French translations can be added. The translators add the text in the 'fr text' column and then send the CSV file back so that you can import it into your Zendesk.
"Title","Default language","Default text","fr text","Variant status"
"Agent signature","English","The MondoCam Support Team","Toute l'équipe du Support MondoCam",""
"Welcome message","English","Welcome to MondoCam Customer Service!","Bienvenue au support de MondoCam",""
The identifier for each dynamic content item is its title. When you import the file, the title is matched to the existing dynamic content item and the translations are added as language variants.
Importing the translated CSV files
After your CSV files have been translated, you can import them back into your Zendesk.
- In Admin Center, click
Workspaces in the sidebar, then select Agent tools > Dynamic content.
- In the Import & Export selection, select Import content.
- You can either choose the CSV file you want to import or paste the CSV data in
- To import a CSV file, select Choose File.
- To paste in the CSV data, select Let me paste in data instead.
- Click Import. You'll receive an email when the import is complete.
If your CSV file is properly formatted and is in the UTF-8 format, your import will be successful. If the import fails, you'll receive an email describing the errors that occurred.
While importing a CSV file is a straightforward process, there are some details about importing this content that you'll want to be aware of.
- Even though the CSV file contains the status, you cannot set the status via the import. If you manually change the status in the import CSV file, your changes will be ignored.
- If you import content for a variant that does not exist (but the language is supported in your Zendesk), the variant will automatically be added and its status set to Active.
- The only data that is required (in fact, the only data that is imported from the CSV
file) is the title and the language text. Therefore, you can import variant translations
using a CSV file in this
"Title","fr text" "Agent signature","Toute l'équipe du Support MondoCam" "Welcome message","Bienvenue au support de MondoCam"
- If the language text in a variant is blank or is just spaces (in other words, no valid text) then the variant content is not added. However, all other valid entries in the file will be added.
- If an error occurs during the import, the import will fail and you'll receive an email message with the error details.
Mateusz Pietrzak
I would like to export our DCs, make some slight changes to language versions (I need to delete some lines from text) and import the file back to Zendesk. Would it be possible?
I tried to do this without success. The email I received states
"Malformed CSV input.
The error was:
Illegal quoting, line 1."
Would you have any advice?
Brett Bowser
Hey Mateusz,
I'm going to create a ticket for you so we can take a look at the CSV file you're trying to import.
You'll receive an email shortly stating your ticket has been created.
I was struggling a bit for a while with the format for importing, until I realised i couldn't import dynamic content that hadn't been created yet, I think it would be a really useful tool to be able to import a csv file with the needed values to create new items in dynamic content and that they automatically are bulk created after import with the given values, also giving feedback about the process through email instead of directly through the app is a bit cumbersome when you are trying to figure out what's going on wrong.
Anne-Flore Caire
I also need to know if there is a way to change the default language of each record by import, without having to do it manually? I have done several tests by changing the "Default language" in the file to the default language or the target one, but it does not work.
Gizem Candemir
I agree with Omar that the need for creating dynamic content before importing is not practical at all. I would love to be able to export DC from Help Center to its Sandbox without needing to create the DC items one by one in Sandbox :/
I hope it will be possible to bulk create DC in Sandbox while importing a csv file that is exported from Help Center.
Riah Lao
How do you import the en version? I copied the columns from the exported en-US csv and use that to import but I got an error:
Malformed CSV input.
Expected column missing: Language text
Your CSV should be similar to the one below. You also need to make sure that you have the values for "Title" and "en-US text".
Hope this helps!
Jeffrey | Customer service
Hi All,
The system for importing excels within Zendesk is really hopeless. I work on an a Apple computer, but I can't get it done under Windows either.
When you download the file from your Zendesk environment, the delimiter is:
"Title","Default language","Default text","fr text","Variant status","Placeholder"
If I export to a UTF-8 format from Excel (mac or Windows) I get the following string
Title;Default language;Default text;fr-be text;Variant status;Placeholder
Zendesk recognizes the ; not. Why can't you just import an xlx or an xls file?
I am now always get the error: Column Title is missing.
Anne-Flore Caire
for information (and because I had a lot of trouble before I got there), when I was working on the imports, living in France, I had to change :
- the Country Format of the PC in the "region" settings via the control panel (select "English (US)" )
- the Excel separators in Options / Advanced Options / Editing Options (Uncheck "Use system separators" and change the "Decimal Separator" to ".")
All this makes that when I saved my excel files in separator ";", they saved in separator "," expected by Zendesk. And combined with the choice of the UTF-8 Format, it was good.
Note: don't forget to change theses parameters when the Zendesk work is finished
Riah Lao
Is there a limit of rows for Dynamic Content import?
You can create up to 2000 rows, but not exceeding 2MB file size.
If you will need to import more than 2000 rows, please split your files and wait for the ‘import_ready’ mail confirmation before submitting the next file. Remember to keep the headers in the different files to preserve the format.
Hope this helps!
Quick question : if I export my csv, change some titles, and import back the csv, what would happen ? I guess it wouldn't modify the lines because the title is the identifier. Will it create a new line ?
Any workaround to modify titles in bulk action ?
Thank you
Salim Cheurfi
If you export the CSV file then import it again with a new title for your Dynamic content, you will get an error "Tittle not found"
I'm afraid we don't have a native way to edit titles in bulk I'm sorry, you can use the API to update titles
PUT /api/v2/dynamic_content/items/{dynamic_content_item_id}
but it's not meant for bulk editing.Don't hesitate to post a feature request in our feedback forum
Have a great one !
Raphaël Péguet -
Can we create new dynamic content by importing or this is only to update?
You can also check this documentation that we have about creating new dynamic content via API - I also highly encourage you to send a feature request on this page so that our product team may consider adding an out-of-the-box bulk import for new dynamic content:
Sascha Lütje-Gabain
I just want to clone dynamic content to have a second dc with just a few changes. Is there no better way?