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Attaching media to articles

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Elizabeth Williams

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Jul 12, 2024




There are self-referential links in the article:

For information about attaching media to articles, see Attaching media to articles.

Also - please list supported file types for replacing media. I was quite disappointed to find out that CSV files aren't supported for replacing media


Echoing Yaakov's comment.

Previously, we were able to attach any type of file to our articles.  We often supplied files that were specific to the product we support (so not commonly known).  Wit this new limitation, we now have to come up with another method to deliver these files to our customers.

A little disappointing to say the least.


Please list of the media types allowed in this article. How are we supposed to figure this out apart from trial and error? Thanks



Please provide list of file types allowed. IN addition to that please explain how I may add a PDF or other document as an attachment


Do users need to be signed in to download attachments? Are there permissions associated with attachments?


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Elizabeth Williams

Zendesk Documentation Team

Thank you for your feedback - I have updated the article to be more specific about article attachments. Specifically, you can attach media in any file format, however the media you attach must be within the Guide product limits. The maximum size for article attachments is 20 MB. 


Hi there! I have photos attached within the article, but they are listing them as attachments for the public guide. I DO NOT want them listed for the public.

If I x them, it completely deletes the image. Is there a way to fix it so the images can show up in my articles, but NOT be listed as files at the end of the article for the public to download?


Hello Lesley,
I see that you have submitted a couple tickets on this topic. What I am going to do is move those other requests into this one so we can ensure we’ve got all our communication in one spot!


Noted, that if we have an attachment in first article, and then we add link to that attachment in second article, Zendesk Guide automatically adds that same attachment as copy with new id to the second article.

We would just want to link the attachment from first article in the text of second article, and we would not want the attachment to appear in second article.

Is this "cloning of attachments" intended behaviour, and could it be avoided somehow?


Hi there Arno, thanks for the comment and the information you shared about this behaviour. 
I tested what you explained but I wasn't able to reproduce, by using the link generated for the image attachment from the first article, the link was just formatted as a hyperlink to the image in the second article. 
I created a support ticket for you so that we can discuss your case closely. 


Lesley I have the same question! Did you get it resolved?


"Hi there! I have photos attached within the article, but they are listing them as attachments for the public guide. I DO NOT want them listed for the public.

If I x them, it completely deletes the image. Is there a way to fix it so the images can show up in my articles, but NOT be listed as files at the end of the article for the public to download?"


Jennifer Akortha I did! Turns out, it was my fault - I was copying and pasting screenshots rather than uploading them through the media uploader tool. We use a lot of the same screenshots in our guide articles that are formatted on the page after being uploaded, so I was trying to save myself time. But it would turn into an attachment instead :( 


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