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Ability to forward emails into an existing ticket
Posted Mar 11, 2015
Would really like the ability to forward emails directly into an existing ticket.
This is what I’m trying to achieve:
- Support ticket is created for a customer
- There is back and forth correspondence a number of times
- Customer then sends another email directly to my personal account - which is part of the support correspondence – but not a normal reply
This can happen if they used another device or simply forgot to reply to the normal email thread
I would like the ability to forward that email so that it is appended to the existing support ticket as if they had replied in the normal way i.e. it keeps attachments, the sender information, date/time, etc…
I've read the thread here, which has no resolve, plus I've been in touch with support and they clarified that it can't be done at present unless you make use of their API - which tells me it can be done! ;)
Benjamin Kirsch
Hey everyone,
Thanks so much for taking the time to share your feedback with us in regards to forwarding emails into an existing ticket. We're definitely aware of this need and our team is planning on investigating this use case as well as the ability to manage secondary emails. Currently this work is in a pre-discovery phase and has not been prioritized, but please keep sharing your use cases with us to help prioritize this functionality in our future roadmap planning. We plan on updating this post once we have more information to share next year.
All the best,
Stephanie Bryne
I would like this ability too. I think there is a way to do it but it gets tricky. I've seen emails get attached to the wrong ticket vs. creating new ones. This is because in the subject line of the email being forwarded in there is "#1234".
Zendesk - Can we utilize this when trying to forward an email to an existing ticket?
William Vasilakos
I as well, am looking for a way to use this functionality for our ticketing in zendesk also.
Hey Dev's, got an ETA?
Per Karseland
+1. Zendesk - please prioritze this request. It is a must have for us! When can we expect a solution?
David Bernheim
We too would find this very useful. At present all we can do is copy the text of the email received, add this to a new comment on the existing ticket and prefix lines with "> ". Though this does the minimum required of adding the note to the ticket, it is time-consuming, error-prone and looks amateur to the customer.
I know Zendesk must have many competing enhancement requests, but this is one which would benefit many people and surely must be easy.
Pavel Karkarin
I use zendesk domain as support email address, so if I send an email to support+id{}, then the email comes as suspended ticket. It can be recovered, in which case the comment will be added to {}. This is the best that I could find so far.
The other option is to rummage through tons of email trying to find email address with ticket token in it aka support+id{ticket token} which allows to send updates to your ticket without mandatory suspension.
The only trick is to be careful forwarding data from one ticket thread into another ticket email :) as it is likely to update previous ticket.
Tom Browning
We also really need this feature. In other solutions (Freshdesk, for example) it's trivially easy to send an email to an existing ticket.
I can understand not wanting to allow spam in; however could you not just allow a domain to be whitelisted? Or cross reference the email address with the list of end-users and agents with sufficient permissions to update the ticket?
Scott Lumme
I want this ability too. We use to use Fogbugz and we would just put the ticket ID number in the subject line. It would go directly to the ticket. I've tested with zendesk using the modified email address support+id{} and have had mixed results. It worked once but on newly created ticket it wouldn't work. Plus it's more of pain and less user friendly to have to modify the email.
Something like
Subject: FWD: blah blah #4442
Then zendesk would see # and read number after it, then forward it to the existing ticket. Then this feature could be enabled or disabled in the administrator settings if they didn't like it.
Pavel Karkarin
I would be even okay to use ticket token but there seems to be no way to get ticket token in ticket view. I can only get it from reply-to email sent by Zendesk.
It would be useful to see it somewhere in ticket view... Zendesk guys, is it possible?
Tony Lenox
My organization has a need for this capability as well. In fact, the lack of this is causing more problems for us than the suggested danger of 'cross talk' that may occur (other community thread; re danger of subject line with numbers causing link to wrong ticket). I echo the comments made by others in this thread and other/related Zendesk community threads where users have requested the need for this capability. Other systems allow this, and rather easily avoid the 'cross talk' problem the Zendesk has pointed out.
To those of us who have used (several) other ticketing systems which successfully accommodate this functionality, this feels a lot like Zendesk telling their user community that they know what we need better than we do... c'mon guys.
+1 on this request for us as well.
Sean Casey
I read all forums on this subject and I too would like this feature enabled. Please add it!
Alexandre GIRAUD
Actually testing the product, and this is a must have feature who is missing, and I still wonder if i will extend trial for my company without this feature.
Heather Rommel
We have a different use case for needing to forward emails into an existing ticket so I found a comment on a string somewhere (sorry, I can't recall where, but it is probably a moderator who posted it) - And ended up creating a macro to pull out the Encoded ID. Here's our steps:
1. Run the macro (we made ours a private comment)
2. The ticket will render the Encoded ID before even having to press submit. So we copy and past the ID from the comment
4. Send to a working support email attributed to your zendesk account.
Et voila! The comment shows!
Depending how your instance is set up, your comment may end up as a private comment. Test it out!b To override this, use the #public command in the first line of the body of the email to make the content turn into a public comment.
A note on the above test - test it as an agent and an end user. The results can vary based on settings your account has.
I hope this is helpful! I wish it was more streamlined, this is the best solution we've found.
John Bowles
This functionality needs to be added to the next Zendesk release. Too many times I have customers send me email to my personal email account and goes undocumented in the case notes unless I copy and paste the email into the notes manually.
Thanks Zendesk Team!
Christopher Fogarty
+1, also need this functionality.
Dan Lauer
+1 How can this not be a feature? Clients routinely email outside of the ticket thread and we need to post those emails and their attachments to the ticket. It's astonishing that there is no existing way to do this.
Sule Erozer
+1, also need this functionality.It will be so useful.
Chris Swinney
+1 I have asked too for this functionality via support, but failed to get a positive outcome.
Ian Christopher de Jesus
Hi Everyone,
We're currently investigating if we would be able to create this functionality in Gmail. I will keep everyone updated as we progress on this.
PM - Integrations
Alexandre GIRAUD
I'm not sure that Zendesk agents need an integrated solution and especially with a single provider like gmail. In this case, could be more interesting to have an Outlook Add-On as many of us use it.
BTW for my point of view, just to have a possibility to forward email with a specific tag inside mail body (or subject) for match target case number; will permit to inject last mail in the case and so go on tracking.
Don't hesitate if need further information, and feel free others customers who wait this features (since 2y now) to complete my idea or saying if not shared.
Tom Browning
A Gmail integration would not be useful for us.
Chiming back in here, I think all that is really needed is for each ticket to have a dedicated email address (which it already does) and if an agent (who has access to that ticket) forwards an email then it gets included as a normal forward. This approach would work for any email client and/or device and "shouldn't" be to hard as 95% of the work is already working in Zendesk.
Deirdre Beach
I am really disappointed that this isn't already a feature, it seems like a given requirement. It shouldn't matter if the email domain is being used as your Zendesk support. There needs to be a command that allows agents to easily forward email to existing tickets. Not having this is a major flaw in the system. It's causing a lot of frustration and wasted time for our agents.
Heather Rommel
Doesn't the above tip help you out at all? I realize it would be better if it was built in but this is not a bad way for us
David Bernheim
Heather R's solution works for us. But this highlights Zendesk's stubborn resistance to giving this to users as an easy-to-use feature.
If it is so easy to kludge a fix, can Zendesk not justify something similar, using the hundreds and thousands of dollars that we users collectively are paying. We pay for a good tool. Zendesk - when there is an easy fix - please give us this and justify our trust in you.
Deirdre Beach
We are able to make this "fix" work, but the fact that the email being forwarded is held in "suspended" tickets until myself or one of my team leaders moves it forward limits it's usefulness. The agent is normally forwarding the email so that they can respond to the end-user via the zendesk ticket. They can't forward the email, wait until someone checks and forwards Suspended tickets, then respond.
Eric Thirolle
+1 for this feature.
Seems like a big oversight that this is not already a feature of ZD, and that this thread as been open for two years asking for this (apparently simple) enhancement.
Michel Schuurman
In our company we also need this badly.
Can ZenDesk please give us more info on how to achieve this?
michelle swenson
@Heather R: thank you very much for that macro!
i was looking for such a feature in ZD, found this support thread, scrolled to your post, setup the macro, tested and failed a few times (because of a typo oops!) but then once i fixed the typo it worked BEAUTIFULLY!
who cares if this isn't entirely baked into ZD? setup the macro, share with your team and get on with it already. couldn't be any easier. thanks again!