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Log the user who did an action in FireHose API
Posted Jan 04, 2021
- What is the problem?
We submitted this ticket where we confirmed we're not receiving the user_id for every interaction done within the system
- Why is it a problem?
This is very important for us as due Audit, we need to know who's the user who performed an action within the system.
- How do you solve the problem today?
N/A. We rely on the logs which don't have this data.
- How would you ideally solve the problem?
Properly implement this beta feature because as stated by one of the last responses on the ticket, as this is a beta feature the user data can be lost within the ZS Pipeline
- How big is the problem (business impact, frequency of impact, who is impacted)
This is critical for Audits, we need this feature as soon as possible.