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User Data app - official feature request thread
Zendesk Employee
Posted Mar 27, 2020
This is the official feature request topic for the User Data app. Please refer to the guidelines on feedback posts for Built by Zendesk apps ( before posting here. We’ll try our best to check this and respond to your queries. Thank you for taking a moment to submit your feedback!
If you see a feature mentioned here by someone else, feel free to upvote it if it's a feature you would also find useful so that we know which features to focus on!
1 comment
Maggie St.Clair
It would be great if we could show different fields in this app by brand or better yet by agent. We have two fields that are used by all of our brands but then the majority of the fields are brand specific. Currently the app is slightly useful but it has the potential to be VERY useful if we could customize it by brand or agent.