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Bulk Import Ticket Field Values
Posted Jul 13, 2018
When setting up new ticket fields, it would be nice to have an easy way to bulk upload field values for things like drop-downs and multi-selects. I already have the data in an existing database so it's easy for me to export it into CSV, XLS or TXT.
Having the API is awesome for data that changes on a regular basis. But being able to import static information via the web interface with some sort of GUI based wizard would make this much easier on beginner level administrators.
Isabelle LOCK
I fully agree : it should be possible to download modify and reupload an existing field
Esther Gregory
This feature would make it so much easier for those lists which refers to data that is changing in other company systems.
This feature would provide a level of consistency between the systems which is critical for the end user and the agent resolving the ticket.
Ian Kerkemeyer
While I wasn't able to download my custom field values, I was able to add and update them with a file upload in my sandbox environment. I don't have the file ready for production just yet but I will do the update once it's completed. I went to Admin Center-->People-->Import organizations-->Had "Update existing organizations" checked. My file included the organization name and the three custom fields. One was a drop-down field and the other two were text fields.
The only caveat was the organization name had to be exactly as it is in Zendesk otherwise a new organization was created.
Bill Brooks
Adding bulk uploads to existing ticket fields seems like it should be a very easy thing to implement and many people who would benefit. Myself and my company included. Please consider adding this functionality asap
Osman Ibrahim
+1 from me, would definitely find this useful.
Daniel Hamrick
I could certainly use this, question though, I see mention of the API for constantly changing data, I have a customer ticket field that needs updating with new customers when we get them, is that something I can do with the API and what is API anyways????
thank you
Wayland Magee
Adding my vote in the rare chance this will someday become a feature. We need the ability to mass update the lists after initial field creation using the same import you can do during initial creation.
Autopass 客服 咖咖
+1 !! 🤯
This is super important feature which our team work in high speed pace. Please to add ASAP. Should not be a hard task.
Dane Corley
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with this feedback. We apologize for the delay on our end in providing you with a response to your feature request.
I will be honest that I’m unsure how feasible this request will be to fulfill. Over the next month I’m going to speak with our teams and determine if this is something we can put onto our roadmap. At that time I will update this ticket with more details. It’s possible that is not something we can prioritize at this time, however given all of the discussion here I think a deeper dive is warranted.
Once again thank you for your patience.
I vote for this
Dane Corley
Thank you for allowing me the time to explore the possibility of taking on this feature. Sadly, at the moment we cannot commit to prioritize building this enhancement. We understand this may be frustrating but wanted to ensure we closed this loop to remain transparent.
We are going to close this post for comment and mark it as “not planned”. If you are interested in learning more about this and other features being built please make sure to check out and follow our Community events, What’s New Community Topic, and Zendesk Updates. Again, we apologize for our delay and appreciate you being a valuable Zendesk Community member.