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Report for tickets with SLA breaches and date/time of breach
Posted Aug 28, 2019
I'm trying to build a report that lists SLA breaches with the ticket ID and the date/time of the breach. I'm not seeing a metric that shows the date/time of the breach though. Has anyone built something like this?
Dylan Tragjasi
Hi Alex
At this stage, it's not currently possible to put together a report that shows the time at which a given ticket first breached its assigned SLA policy.

This is something we're looking to improve upon and add to Explore in the future, but at this stage I cannot comment as to when this might happen.
A potential workaround in the interim would be to put together a report using the SLAs dataset that shows all of the breached timestamps on a given ticket instead. It could look something like this:
D_COUNT(Breached SLA tickets)
Ticket ID
SLA target status (you could add a filter to this attribute to show only breached SLA target statuses)
SLA update - Timestamp
The earliest breached timestamp for each Ticket ID returned in these results will be the time at which the ticket first breached its assigned SLA policy.
Hope this helps!
- Dylan
Alex Edwards
@Dylan Thanks! This is helpful for now. I'll be interested to see what else becomes available around this in the future!