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Reporting some bugs in Task Player - it's easily thrown off by deleting tasks, or by completing them in the sidebar
Posted Nov 01, 2021
I can't seem to find a proper place to just report these bugs, so apologies if there is a place and I've just missed it.
1) As a part of our process we sometimes delete a task outright. We use this in cases where it would be misleading to mark the task "completed" as the task has more or less become "N/A". So anyway we delete them. This throws the task player off by a) the math is wrong on its progress bar. If there were a normal product-feedback form I would post a screenshot but since this is a public forum obviously I can't.
b) As the last task in the player is completed it gets confused again and tries to kind of wrap around back to the other tasks that weren't skipped or completed, and since they were deleted it gets confused.
2) Second bug. During our work we often complete the task inline in the Deal pages or in the Contact pages. In other words we click the actual checkbox in the right hand nav, on those pages, instead of interacting with the task player's controls. This is just muscle memory we have from the olden days before the TP was introduced. However the TP sucks at dealing with this and a) it continues to display the completed tasks, not advancing. b) you have to click "skip" or "mark completed" and I forget exactly how at this time, but it gets tripped up when you do one of those two. It's annoying but not critical. Just a weird thing for the developers to have forgotten about.
Thanks in advance for any attention to get these fixed.
1 comment
Jakub Konik
Hi Nick, thank you for your feedback. This is the right place to share it. I'm the Product Manager behind the Task Player and wanted to say that we are aware of this behaviour and are planning to tackle it in the next batch of task-related developments.
We're unsure of the timeline for these, but due to developments in other parts of Sell that have a higher priority it won't happen immediately I'm afraid.
If you have any other feedback I encourage you to share it as it helps us in prioritising our roadmap.