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Integrate with custom widget chat
Posted Nov 05, 2021
Hello we have a custom widget develop by our team, we want to integrate with zendesk chat.
We know that zopim chat and web-sdk chat are premade widget to implement in website, but we want to keep the experience of chat inside our widget.
We have a backend in java, so we tried the SDK:
we tried to implement without success, because in this case it would be specific to android, correct?
is there any solution that could suit us?
1 comment
Mick O'Donnell
Hi Fabio,
I'm not entirely sure of the solution that you're aiming for here, but if you're trying to use the Android SDK for your website, this definitely won't work. If you have your own bespoke chat widget, an API based chat solution (as opposed to an SDK) may be more suitable for your situation. Currently, Zendesk doesn't offer a stand-alone Chat API that would serve your needs I'm afraid. Our customer service products are designed to work more out of the box as of today.