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Proxy error: UnprocessableEntity - When make a request to external API

Posted Feb 16, 2022


I'm testing our application locally using zat server and I've receiving this message Proxy error: {:code=>"UnprocessableEntity", :status=>"422", :title=>"Unprocessable Entity", :message=>"Failed to get installation and oauth information for app."} when a request is made locally to our server API. 

below is the code to generate the header for the API request

request(params) {
const settings = Object.assign({
type: 'GET',
secure: true,
contentType: 'application/json',
headers: {
Authorization: 'Basic {{setting.ApiToken}}',
Accept: `application/vnd.${API_VERSION}`,
}, params);

return this.client.request(settings);


 note: ZenDesk App works in production




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