Android Chat SDK - Track Visitor Path - Not reliable
Posted May 30, 2022
I'm using the following Android SDK for reference
I've got a question regarding tracking visitor path. (This used to worked fine in the old Zopim SDK but the "Zendesk" SDK not so much..)
Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't but most often doesn't show in the Zendesk Agent UI. Are there any gotcha's I'm missing? Or is it known that this doesn't work correctly and a fix is coming?
Here's some code:
That's when I call the track visitor path code.
fun trackEvent(event: String) {
println("::::::: ${Chat.INSTANCE.providers()} - ${Chat.INSTANCE.providers()?.profileProvider()} --- $event")
?.trackVisitorPath(VisitorPath.create(event), object : ZendeskCallback<Void?>() {
override fun onSuccess(result: Void?) {
println("::::::: success path $event")
override fun onError(error: ErrorResponse) {
println("::::::: failure path $event")
So I track visitor path when they go on a path, or when they launch the livechat for test purposes.
Here's the output I have:
10:22:30.627 System.out I :::::::::: INIT SDK
10:22:30.641 System.out I ::::::: ---
10:22:30.976 System.out I ::::::: - --- Article : why-have-i-been-charged-a-bag-fee-
10:22:37.716 System.out I ::::::: - --- Helpcentre Started
10:22:45.919 System.out I ::::x::: - --- LIVECHAT CONNECTED
10:22:45.993 System.out I ::::::: success path Helpcentre Started
10:23:00.753 System.out I ::::::: failure path Article : why-have-i-been-charged-a-bag-fee-
10:23:45.081 System.out I ::::x::: - --- LIVECHAT CONNECTED
10:23:45.193 System.out I ::::::: success path LIVECHAT CONNECTED
So for some reason, one failed (by the way, do you have any suggestions on how to handle failed sent events?)
Finally here's the Agents dashboard, and as you can see only the "LIVECHAT CONNECTED" event was sent.
So have you got any idea why not all events are populated, maybe I'm missing something, or if there's a problem and something needs to be fixed from your side?
Also would it be possible for you to send things batched so unique events won't fail hence breaking user path tracking.
Thanks for your help