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Flowbuilder Feature Request: Option to change choice in Options Step type as end-user
Posted Sep 08, 2022
Feature Request Summary:
The step type Option should have an option to change your choice as an end-user, reinitiating the flow to go down a different lane
Description/Use Cases:
Customers who are busy often only skim the defined messages and clickable options in a Flowbuilder. Therefore they also often end in a scenario where they are at the end of the flow where they have not received the information they need, and if the fallback flow provides it, they will just choose to contact customer service agents.
They will either reach out to customer service or try and find the help they need now by searching in the message field. This can be a challenge in Flowbuilders that contain huge configured answers, as the intents might not be precise enough, due to the amount of content one answer is covering.
The business impact of limitation or missing feature:
The impact of this that we are seeing, is that where the Flowbuilder actually contains the information the customer needs, is not found by the customer because they are not able to scroll back up the conversation to change their clicks in previous Option steps.
This ultimately ends up with the customer reaching out to CS agents, which means we're missing out on deflection scenarios simply because the customer is not able to change his/her click in the Options step types.
See screenshots below for examplification:
1 comment
Dan Ross
this would be helpful and a better experience for customers. a lot of frustration with automated deflection comes from the fact if the user does something wrong or unintentional that they get stuck down a path and can't get help, so they either leave and change channel to something like phone (no! bad!) or change from engaging with the automated tool to requesting a human, which defeats the purpose of tool to begin with and increases customer effort to get help.