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Adding additional Heading Styles to the article editing toolbar
Posted Oct 21, 2022
When I edit an article there is a formatting Heading toolbar dropdown menu where I can choose Paragraph, Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, or Heading 4.
I want to be able to add additional styles to that drop down menu.
- How can I add Heading 5 or Heading 6 to the drop down menu?
- Can I add additional styles to that menu if I want a custom heading (let's call it Custom Heading').
I have already added a style for Heading 5 in the CSS and have been adding it to the article by changing the source code. I don't mind doing this, but I need to have other people writing these articles for me and it would be much easier if this heading was in the drop down menu.
Dave Dyson
That drop-down menu is not customizable, so I've moved your post to our product feedback area. Thanks for sharing!
Cecile Rolin
It would be great if you could display more headings to the dropdown menu or let us change the number of displayed headings. It's very annoying to have to edit the code and heading 5 and 6 are often use for legends and such, so very useful. Thanks in advance for anything you can do about it.
Wendy Schmoyer
I would like to be able to modify the headings. Like I want to make them bold