Question on Zendesk Custom Application Behaviors
Posted Nov 07, 2022
1. Is there a way to influence the behavior of a Zendesk custom app in the ticket sidebar.
For example, if the user has the customer Zendesk app hidden, is there a way to show (pop) the app when certain ticket actions take place, for example ticket created or other events?
2. Is there a way to remove the hide option from a custom Zendesk app entirely - so leave it maximized all the time?
The only configuration options I see in manifest.json is:
specifies whether the app starts as hidden on first load -
specifies whether the iframe is automatically loaded (defaults to true)
3. Some of the agents have pretty constrained desktops (1366x768), any suggestions on how best to maximize the space within Zendesk when creating a custom application?
1 comment
Christopher Kennedy