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Data discrepancies between Ticket created date and Ticket solved date


Posted Dec 06, 2022

Hi all,

We managed to export the data from Zendesk to our data warehouse to build some reports in our Business Intelligence tool, and we are facing couple of data discrepancies we would like to understand.

In Explore, we would like to get the number of tickets solved by agent on a monthly basis (assignee).

When we apply [Ticket Created] date as a dimension in the rows, we get different numbers than when we apply [Ticket Solved] date as a dimension. 

Could you clarify us if it's normal and if yes what's the best way to measure this metric?




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Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

If you want to get the monthly "SOLVED" tickets by each agent you will need to use the filter Ticket Solved Date.

If you will use Ticket Created Date filter to measure the solved tickets by each agent, you will only get the number of solved tickets based on the ticket create month. 


Thanks Jahn for you reply, that what I was thinking honestly. 

Since we are working with the data through our data warehouse in SQL, logically we would need to take the date of the solved_at column right (and not created_at) ?


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Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

Yes, if your goal is to get the number of Solved Tickets per agent per month. In this case you will also be able to get those solved tickets that are not created only from this month for example. 


One thing that may bite you as well -- you should also be aware that "Solved Tickets" on the Updates History dataset is a known bad metric that returns bad data. There's a workaround formula you can write to make it correct:


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