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Reports Automatically getting Filter on New Report
Posted Jan 17, 2023
Starting today I am seeing filters pre-added and filtered on reports when I go to build them. This is not helpful for my workflow as I don't use that metric for filtering, and now need to warn and update all my documentation on reporting to indicate to remove this. Why did this change occur? Why is there no announcement?
Amie Brennan
Hey CJ,
I'm a little confused with what you're saying here as I'm not seeing the same in my Zendesk account. Do you have a screenshot you could share showing us the filters you're seeing being added to the report when you go to built them?
CJ Johnson
It's not happening today which is extra infuriating. I was seeing a "ticket created" and a time span of the last thirty days filter pre-added to all reports on the default set yesterday.
Gab Guinto
There was a recent change that was deployed which added a default filter when starting a new report with the Tickets dataset. This has just been reverted back that's why you are no longer seeing this today. We apologize if that caused some confusion.
Thanks CJ!
CJ Johnson
Hi @...,
Can you please take this request into consideration in the future? My problem had nothing to do with you toggling it off again and that being "confusing".
Gab Guinto
Yes, definitely, this has been raised with Product and Engineering. We agree that changes like this that would have significant impact on workflows should be properly communicated with users before they are GA'ed. We apologize again for the oversight.
CJ Johnson
This is happening again and there is still no announcement.
CJ Johnson
@... Any chance there will be an announcement some time soon?
Gab Guinto
Sorry it took a while for us to confirm this. This change – the default filter on new reports in the Support: Tickets dataset – was only announced on this week's release notes.