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Cookies in iframe of Apps are showing up in
Posted Mar 15, 2023
i have setup a localhost server of my app running on https://localhost:3000,
I have a localhost app for Zendesk which is running on https://localhost:4567(running using
zcli apps:server) and in my manifest the landing page URL is pointing to localhost:3000.
//Manifest file, only pasting the location property.
"location": {
"support": {
"ticket_sidebar": {
"url": "http://localhost:3000",
"flexible": true,
"size" : {
"height": "420px"
The issue is after authentication i am setting my auth token in the cookies, which is used to authenticate all the apis, but when i open the DevTools to see the cookies i am seeing that the cookies for my application(localhost:3000) is coming under the * which is not expected. due to this my authentication is not working.
I wanted to understand how can cookies from different origin(localhost:3000) be present in another origin(* is opened in an iframe which is present in * , my apis are not able to get the token as there is none present in the cookies of localhost:3000.
Is this due to the fact that my ZAF app is also running on localhost:4567, even then the origin is different due to difference in port no., in any of the case the cookies should not reflect under *