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Dagger issues on migration of Zendesk support SDK to 5.1.2
Posted Jun 14, 2023
I have upgraded Zendesk support SDK version from 2.0.0 to 5.1.2 but I am unable to build the project due to Dagger issues as attached in screenshot.
Dagger version used in our project is 2.13
Kindly look into this issue, as zendesk support is critical for us
Pranit Khot
Any updates on this?
Christopher Kennedy
Are you also encountering this with our sample app?
Pranit Khot
Hi Christopher/Team,
In demo apps, this issue is not encountered as Dagger is not used in that demo applications.
In our application,
1. We are using Zendesk support SDK 2.0.0, on devices below Android 10, Zendesk SDK is working as expected (we are able to send the message and attachment) but for the devices Android 11 and above the Zendesk crashes on click of attachment button.
2. To resolve the attachment crash issue we decided to migrate Zendesk support SDK to 5.1.2, but we are facing Dagger issues as mentioned in above post
3. Below are the details of our app
minSdk : 28,
targetSdk : 33,
compileSdk : 33,
Dagger version : 2.13
Please let me know if you require more details on this.