Average time to respond to a voicemail

Posted Sep 19, 2023

I've searched the Zendesk recipes online and am not finding how to calculate the average time to respond to a voicemail.

The metric per ticket would be the time the ticket was created by Talk to the time there was an outbound call placed from Talk. Does anyone know if this is possible or if there is a way to measure this?

Thanks in advance



1 comment

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Anne Ronalter

Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Michael,

thank you for your Feedback on that.

There is unfortunately no native way to do so due to the two different Datasets that would have to be used.

These would be the Support Dataset for Reporting on first reply time and the Talk Dataset for Reporting on calls with Explore

A workaround could potentially be Reporting with tags
You can add a specific Tag once a ticket is created via Voicemail and then build a report based on that using the Support Dataset for the first reply time.
So use a Trigger for example with the conditions Channel is Voicemail to add Tag.



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