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The Google Play Reviews app should be able to report which app the review belongs to

Posted Feb 01, 2024

We are using the Google App Reviews Zendesk app to reply to the reviews of several of our organisation's Android apps.

While the app works well in general terms, we miss a crucial feature: it does not record/recognise automatically which app is being rated. In our case, we have more than 10 apps integrated, which makes the management of the ticket less efficient as it is our agents who report on which app the review belongs to via a custom field.

To share the workload accross our team, we use the language detection function in Zendesk but it does not work properly (reviews in French are for some reason classified as Spanish, variations in language like Portuguese from Portugal and Portuguese from Brazil are not recognised...).

It makes sense to me that if the app allows for setting up multiple apps in the Google Play Store, it could also automatically detect and report which app each review corresponds to.







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