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Zendesk Chat Pre-Chat and Offline Forms - Any Way to Pre-Populate?

Posted Mar 13, 2024

I'm trying to figure out if there is any way to pre-populate the Name and E-mail address fields on the Pre-Chat and form that appears prior to a chat beginning (using the Web Widget (Classic). We'd also like to pre-populate these fields for users who attempt a chat after hours.

The API documentation does mention PreChatForm and OfflineForm setttings, but it appears to only allow for changing some display text.

Basically, I want to be able to do what the contact form API allows with pre-population of fields:


I did find this recommended approach in another thread, but it doesn't seem to work:

<script type="text/javascript">
  zE('webWidget', 'identify', {
    name: 'Lex Luthor',
    email: '',
    organization: 'LexCorp'



1 comment

Update: The webWidget identify approach DOES work after all. The trick is that JavaScript must be executed AFTER the JavaScript src tag that loads the Script library.


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