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Laetitia Bonaldo

Joined Apr 15, 2021


Last activity Jan 26, 2022





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Latest activity by Laetitia Bonaldo

Laetitia Bonaldo commented,

Community comment Feedback - Help Center (Guide)

Hi there,

Is there a way to offer the "Follow" feature (e.g. section level) without Zendesk Community? For context, we have Zendesk Guide and are exploring using a dedicated section for our release notes. We would want customers to have the ability to receive notifications when we post new release notes (articles) within this section.

Thank you very much!

Very Best,


View comment · Posted Oct 28, 2021 · Laetitia Bonaldo







Laetitia Bonaldo created a post,

Post Q&A - Reporting and analytics

Hi there,

At the moment, our writers are peer reviewing each other's work by copying and pasting into Google Docs. This allows them to use the commenting feature to discuss suggestions/feedback. They do this because the revisions feature in Zendesk is not detailed enough to understand updates if a peer were to edit the content themselves directly and there's no way to comment specific suggestions within an article other than adding a general note when assigning an article.

What would be Zendesk's best workaround other than using Google Docs for peer review? And are there peer review-related features on the roadmap that would enable us to peer review within Zendesk Guide?

Very Best,


Posted Jun 03, 2021 · Laetitia Bonaldo







Laetitia Bonaldo commented,

CommentHow to manage the help center

Hi there!


Our localization practice for hyperlinks that point to HC articles is to provide the URL of the en-us article (our default language), but remove the “en-us/“ portion from the URL. This way, it adapts to the user's browser language. For example, this is what we would suggest to embed in the UI of our product:


To our understanding, the expected behaviour once the user clicks on the hyperlink and is directed to the HC should be the following:


  • If the user’s browser language is supported in the HC (e.g. FR) and the article is translated to their language (e.g. FR), the article translated to their preferred language will display automatically (e.g. FR).
  • If the user’s browser language is supported in the HC (e.g. FR) and the article is not yet translated to their language (e.g. FR), the article in the default language will display automatically (in our case, en-us).
  • If the user’s browser language is not supported in the HC (e.g. Bulgarian) and the article is therefore not translated to their language (e.g. Bulgarian), the article in the default language will display automatically (in our case, en-us).


However, we’ve seen inconsistent behaviours in our testing:


  • If the user’s browser language is supported in the Help Center (FR) and the article is translated to their language (FR), the article translated to their language will sometimes display the article in the default language (en-us) instead of their preferred language (FR). However, if the user manually selects their preferred language from the Help Center’s language drop-down (FR), the next time they click on the hyperlink, they will see the article in the language of the browser (FR) as expected instead.
  • If the user’s browser language is supported in the Help Center (FR) and the article is not yet translated to their language (FR), the article in the default language will not display automatically (en-us). Instead, they see an “Oops” page. Some users, however, successfully see the article in the default language automatically (en-us).
  • If the user’s browser language is not supported in the Help Center (Bulgarian) and the article is therefore not translated to their language (Bulgarian), the article in the default language will display automatically (en-us). This seems to be consistent to the expected behaviour compared to the above flows.


Have you heard of other ZD Guide users having these inconsistency issues? Is there a better localization practice than the one outlined above to be sure we create an experience that is consistent and works as expected in all our supported and non-supported languages?


Thank you very much!

Very Best,


View comment · Posted Apr 26, 2021 · Laetitia Bonaldo







Laetitia Bonaldo commented,

CommentWorking with articles in the knowledge base

Hi Monika!

I just read your announcement and I'm super intrigued with the improvements. Thanks for clearly laying them out for us.

In this article, the following note is mentioned:

"You cannot view tickets that are closed before they are detected by Content Cues. This is the reason why there could be a discrepancy between the amount of tickets you see, when clicking view tickets and the total count of tickets assigned to the support topic."

I was wondering what Support would need to do to increase the number of tickets that Content Cues detects and reduce this discrepancy? I'm not sure we understand how the Content Cues detection works, essentially. This way, Technical Writers, like myself, would have more tickets included in the list that we can analyze for insights when we click View Tickets.

Also, do you have best practices for Support ticket labels to improve the performance of Content Cues?

Very Best,


View comment · Posted Feb 24, 2021 · Laetitia Bonaldo





