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Janet Wilson
Joined Aug 03, 2022
Last activity Aug 04, 2022
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Janet Wilson commented,
Hi Emily R. I have just posted the same request - we are on Growth- and simply dont need all the extra ticketing and support tools that come with the Enterprise support tools. It would double our fees and simply isnt good value for us. What we do need is a really good and efficient KB to use. The ability to make changes, preview and choose when to publish those changes, seems pretty basic requirement for creating any kind of live content in 2022.
View comment · Posted Aug 04, 2022 · Janet Wilson
Janet Wilson created a post,
Feature Request Summary:
I would like to be able to review and save changes to published articles, without updating the article that is visible to the audience. I want to be able to choose when to publish those changes.
Description/Use Cases:
When I add new features to our main articles and/or navigation changes – it necessitates numerous small changes with screenshots and so on, in addition to new sections, updating content pages and so on. These changes require reviewing, prior to being published and invariably a delay until the feature/product changes have gone into production. There is no easy way to do this.
Currently, I must copy all the content into a new article (or word document)- make the changes and review it - then either:
- manually track any updates and then retrofit the changes into the original article – increasing the likelihood of mistakes being made,
- delete the content in the original article and copy and paste from the new version, meaning I then must reimport and insert all the images; or
- entirely replace the original article, find and mend any other links and upload/ insert all the images that were copied and retained from the original article.
I then have the joy of repeating the exercise for our other brands.
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
The time to work around the lack of functionality is significant, I estimate that it doubles my time and introduces new opportunities for errors.
Other necessary information or resources:
I understand that there is additional functionality in the Enterprise plan which would double our costs and give us a huge amount of features that we do not need. We are currently a small organisation and the additional expense of paying for the Enterprise solution doesn’t represent good value for money. Our main priority is to build customer usage with the help of good documentation – so our primary interest is the KB tools rather than the heavy weight ticketing tools for large number of support agents. It strikes me in 2022 that the ability to save and review, but not immediately publish updates, is a fundamental requirement of a decent knowledge base.
Edited Aug 04, 2022 · Janet Wilson
Janet Wilson commented,
Hi - occassionally some of our main articles need major overhaul with new screenshots, new sections, updated content pages etc. How can I edit, review changes and decide when it's ready to update the exisitng article?
Currently, I have to copy all into a new article - make the changes and review it - then either;
- manually track my updates and then retrofit the changes in to the original article
- completely delete the content in the original article and copy and paste from the new version, then reimport and insert all the images.
Either of these is a real pain - especially as I have three brands to manage/replicate the above actions for. Why in 2022 from one of the worlds leading KB software companies can we not have the ability to save but not publish updates?? Life would be sooo much easier for authors.
Edit - I suppose a third option is to entirely replace the original article. But then would have to find and mend any other links. Is there a quick way to look for broken links?? I would presumably also still have to upload and insert all the images that were copied and retained from the original article.
zendesk zendesk what would you suggest as the most effective way to do this - I imagine many if not all users have this use case to one extent or another?!
View comment · Edited Aug 03, 2022 · Janet Wilson