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Reporting on "Can view tickets from user's org" access

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Data ultimo post: 17 feb 2023

Is there a way to report or find all users who have "Can view tickets from user's org"? Just a simple list of all users with this access today and their organization is what I'm after. 



5 commenti

Not sure if bumping is allowed, but bumping this once to see if anyone has any ideas. Advanced Search doesn't even help in this situation since User "Access" field isn't available in it. Odd that there's no way to get a quick glimpse into what the users and user access is across an organization. 


Ahmed Zaid - Sure, that would be greatly appreciated!


we also need that !


This request was closed and merged into request #12995313 "[Community Post] Pesquisa de NPs".


Is there any progress on this that can be shared to everyone. The linked post isn't accessible I'm afraid


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