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Tim Grimshaw

Data ingresso 15 apr 2021


Ultima attività 26 mar 2025

Zendesk Luminary





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Tim Grimshaw ha commentato,

Commento nella community Feedback - Reporting and analytics (Explore)

Hey Chris! I agree :) 

I asked about this here too, and apparently it's planned 🤞🏻


Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 26 mar 2025 · Tim Grimshaw







Tim Grimshaw ha commentato,

Commento nella communityZendesk Support Beta - Modernized Conversational Experience

Hi Amisha Sharma , I see this mentions keyboard shortcuts to skip through messages - were those related to your comment on here please? https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4724181546650-j-k-keyboard-shortcuts-to-skip-quickly-through-ticket-replies-internal-notes


Is there a way to skip to the ‘top’ of each message in sequence? e.g. j/k keys to skip to next message / next message / next message etc? Thanks!

Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 10 mar 2025 · Tim Grimshaw







Tim Grimshaw ha commentato,

Commento nella community Feedback - Reporting and analytics (Explore)

Is it possible to do the below? Or is the performance not based on the dataset? 

Is there any opportunity to instead of culling the data completely, give customers the option of an additional dataset? e.g. the default dataset would only have the last 3ish years of data, and by default reports would all use that set. We'd get the best performance for the majority of reports. BUT, if you needed to have one report showing historical data from e.g. 7 years ago, you could create a report that uses the full-historical-data dataset. Slightly slower maybe, but it can then be added to the required dashboard(s) and people can keep everything in Explore.

Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 22 gen 2025 · Tim Grimshaw







Tim Grimshaw ha commentato,

Commento nella community Feedback - Reporting and analytics (Explore)

Thanks Shawna, yeah, I have to admit that my initial reaction to this was that it's going to force us to move (all or some reports) to our custom reporting tool (Metabase) so that we can report on things like year-on-year trends.

I totally understand what the intent is here, and (for us at least) it will have medium negative impact - most of the reports that we run are using data from the last 3 years or so. Which also means we'd benefit from any performance increase as a result.

BUT… there's a small number of overview reports that leadership like to look at around year-on-year patterns and trends - and those few charts look at e.g. the last 7 years to see how we're changing over time. If this change goes ahead then we'd be forced to either move to Metabase completely for Zendesk reporting, or use a split system of Explore (for almost all reporting) then Metabase (for historic yearly reporting).

Is there any opportunity to instead of culling the data completely, give customers the option of an additional dataset? e.g. the default dataset would only have the last 3ish years of data, and by default reports would all use that set. We'd get the best performance for the majority of reports. BUT, if you needed to have one report showing historical data from e.g. 7 years ago, you could create a report that uses the full-historical-data dataset. Slightly slower maybe, but it can then be added to the required dashboard(s) and people can keep everything in Explore.


Visualizza commento · Data ultima modifica: 09 gen 2025 · Tim Grimshaw







Tim Grimshaw ha creato un post,

Post Feedback - Reporting and analytics (Explore)

Hi Team! 


Not sure if this is a bug, or if i'm doing something wrong, or if it's meant to be like this for a reason, but I'm no longer seeing ‘Today’ as an option in the Time filters. After migrating a dashboard over to the new dashboard builder, I discovered that this is used quite a bit by some people on the team. 


For example, if you create a new Time filter (in a dashboard in edit mode, click the + on the right hand side, then select Time filter, then e.g. Ticket created). You can then pick most of the options that were present in the old dashboard builder (yesterday, last month, last week, this month, this week etc) but the ‘Today’ option is missing. 


Please can that be re-added to the list?


Thanks heaps!


see screenshots of the new builder options - left ('Today' option missing, even though ‘Yesterday’ is in the list), and the old builder options - right (Yesterday and Today are both listed).



Data ultimo post: 06 gen 2025 · Tim Grimshaw







Tim Grimshaw ha creato un post,

Post Feedback - Chat and Messaging (Chat)

Hi all!


We have an issue when using Messaging, and then using the Conversation bot to ask the user to select from a custom drop down field. 


Within Zendesk Support, everything is great - we use the drop down field mentioned here: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408838961562-About-custom-field-types and make use of the default value of -, so that whoever is filling it out has to select something (whether it's the agent or the customer when using an external ticket web form) - all works great!


But… when using the flow builder ‘Ask for details’ step in a Messaging bot (https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408836323738-Understanding-the-step-types-for-bot-answers#topic_i5r_grz_n5b), it ignores the default value of the drop down field, and instead shows the first value from that field's drop down options. That means that customers might just click ‘next’ without bothering to actually look at the options. 


We've worked around this by creating a ‘SELECT PRODUCT’ value in that field, so that it's the top option, and gets shown by default. We then check to see if the value is ‘SELECT PRODUCT’ when submitting it, and ask them to select a product if they leave it as that option etc… but it would be great if it behaved like the other areas of Zendesk where it honors the default value set.



Data ultimo post: 18 dic 2024 · Tim Grimshaw







Tim Grimshaw ha commentato,

Commento nella community Feedback - Chat and Messaging (Chat)

Hi Team!

I came here looking for the same thing :) Would be super useful because we effectively have a staging website where we want to publish the bot used in our sandbox Zendesk instance, before then updating our production Zendesk instance with the updated flow.

Being able to copy flows between instances would be amazing. Thanks!

Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 03 dic 2024 · Tim Grimshaw







Tim Grimshaw ha commentato,

Commento nella community Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Just came here to ask the same thing as Scott - please could we hide the brand drop-down if we don't have multiple brands?


It seems that muscle-memory is strooooong, and we've had people changing the requester field to agents because they're so used to the assignee field being ‘second down’ in the list. Now that the brand drop down appears, everyone's accidentally changing the requester field instead of the assignee field 😆😭


Thank youuuu!

Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 26 nov 2024 · Tim Grimshaw







Tim Grimshaw ha creato un post,

Post Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

See https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4409222748314/comments/8364646262810 for more detail.


In summary, when you submit a comment over 64k, it used to get truncated, and any text/data over the limit would be lost. A fix was applied to public replies, but internal notes still has the same issue with no warnings.


This was fixed for public replies as detailed in the pinned post:


We have released the Email Truncation Alert feature (only on Agent Workspace). This feature will consist of two changes:

1. Counter will show at the bottom right of the composer when you 5Kb away from hitting the limit. The counter will keep changing as you enter more content and will go in negative at some point.

2. An error message will pop up if you try to submit a ticket that is over the 64Kb limit. You will need to edit your content and then try submitting again. 


However… it looks like that fix was only applied to public replies. For internal notes it will not show a counter, and will not provide an error if you try to submit the note. The note will submit successfully, but you'll just lose any data over the limit.


Please could the same behavior / safeguards be put in place for Internal Notes, which already exists for Public replies? 🙏🏻

Data ultimo post: 18 nov 2024 · Tim Grimshaw







Tim Grimshaw ha commentato,

Commento nella community Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Ah… i see the issue now. Just done some testing with a large comment that got lost, and the issue looks to be:

  • Public reply - that does indeed have the reply-length (KB) indicator in the composer box - yay! And it does indeed stop you from submitting the public reply if it's too long.
  • Internal comment - this doesn't have the reply-length (KB) indicator in the composer box, and it doesn't stop you from submitting the comment if it's too long. 

That means that while the protections are in place for public replies - for internal comments we're still finding that people's comments are getting silently truncated 😭


Is that a bug with the current feature (it's only enabled on public replies instead of both public replies and internal comments?) or should I raise a feature request to get the same behavior applied to internal comments too? Or… was there a reason that it wasn't implemented on both? 


Thanks again :) 

Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 12 nov 2024 · Tim Grimshaw





