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j/k keyboard shortcuts to skip quickly through ticket replies & internal notes

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Tim Grimshaw

Zendesk Luminary

Posted Jun 30, 2022

Hi Team!

My apologies if this has been asked before, or actually already exists... or there's a simpler answer that I've overlooked!

It would be great if there was a j/k* keyboard shortcut that worked in the ticket view of Support, so that if there are replies/notes with a lot of 'junk' on the end of them (signature text images, accidentally included email trails etc), you can skip through to the 'next' reply or internal note. 

This would make it extremely easy to look at the 'top bit' of each reply for a long ticket, and find the reply or note that you're looking for. 

So e.g. when you view a ticket with 10 replies back and forth, and each reply (for the sake of this example) is 3 times the length that will fit in your browser view, you can simply press 'j' to skip through to the top of the next reply (or internal note), and so on!


* Actually I'm not fussy about the exact keys, but j/k seems to be an odd-underground-ish-easter-egg-but-also-seems-well-known-and-used-on-many-websites way of moving 'next' and 'previous'. Apparently dating back to the days when those keys had down and up arrows on them on the keyboard... 





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Amisha Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello everyone,

Excited to share with you that Modernized Conversational Experience beta is now accepting sign ups:

We will be addressing the pain point expressed in this post as well as part of this beta. Inviting all of you to have your admin sign up to opt into this beta to provide us early feedback. Thanks!


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Tim Grimshaw

Zendesk Luminary

Haha I think I just found the end of the internet. I just had this same thought again... and came to the Feedback community to see if someone had raised it as a feature request so that I could up-vote it 🤣


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