[GUIDE] Remove categories
I'm running in circles for hours now with this Guide problem. I simply cannot remove a category from my Help Center.
All solutions I found so far in the internet or Zendesk community point to buttons I don't have anywhere. I'm the account Owner/Admin so I don't understand why I can't do anything. I can create new Categories but can't delete. Within the HC preview there is also not an option while going in or out the categories.
This is really getting on my nerves, as the HELP CENTER of the Zendesk HC is being useless (giving useless solutions).
Jason Maynard
Hi Felipe,
Sorry for the confusion. We'll take a look at our docs and clarify this. In the meantime, you can click on the Arrange content > Arrange articles > select Category, then select Delete category. This will delete all the content in that Category.
Jennifer Rowe
Hi Felipe,
Sorry for the trouble! You can use the method Jason showed you from Arrange Content, or you can navigate to the category first. The later is documented here: Deleting categories and sections
Let us know if you need anything else!
Felipe Azevedo
Hello. Thanks for your comments. That's exactly what i need, however it doesn't work for me unfortunately. Nothing happens when i click on the categories. The ones that have articles inside they simply expand. The empty ones don't do anything. Even though it is a clickable link, literally nothing happens so i couldn't actually edit nor delete. Any tipps?
Jennifer Rowe
Hi Felipe,
Be sure that you are clicking exactly on the name of the category. Is that what you're doing? That should open the category edit page.
If you click the arrow beside the category name, then you're right, the category expands to show the sections within it.
Felipe Azevedo
100% sure i clicked the name thousands of time, as well as the section. I spent at least 3h of my day today trying to figure that out. Could it be a browser/bug thing? I don't have the page opened here anymore but tomorrow i can try closing the tab and re-opening. But until now nothing even tried to load when clicking the text. Was just an responseless click
Jennifer Rowe
My goodness. So sorry for the hassle!
Give the other method a try--navigate to the category page in your Help Center, then click Edit Category at the top.
If that doesn't work, there might be a bug and we can create a ticket for you.
Felipe Azevedo
Sorry i can't really provide a printscreen now but as far as i remember my top menu while navigating my HC had only 2 drop downs (one to choose which page i was currently seeing and another one to choose which kind of user view was) on the right hand side and a single button on the left hand side "close preview". Besides, couldnt really find any further editing options.
Jennifer Rowe
Ah! That helped.
It sounds like you are stuck in a preview of your Help Center. Were you editing the theme recently and previewing your changes? This has happened to me. It should say something like "you are viewing a preview" at the top, if so.
I recommend closing that browser tab and starting over in a fresh tab. Open a new tab and go to your Help Center. From there, click Guide Admin, then Arrange Content, and try clicking the category. If is says anything about preview, then it's not right.
Jennifer Rowe
Ha. I guess you could also click Close Preview. :) Then you should be able to see the editing options again. You might need to do that.
Felipe Azevedo
Hi Jennifer,
thanks for your support. Both options worked. I closed the preview and re-opened the browser. Now the categories respond to the click on the Guide admin and I can also see "Edit category" on the top menu as I navigate through the HC. Thanks a lot. Have a nice day.
Jennifer Rowe
YES! So glad to hear we figured it out!
Take care and let us know if you need anything else!
Akshay Joshi
Hello there,
How I get rid of the empty section under a category?
Maggie Ungerboeck
Hi Akshay,
This looks like a problem that crops up when you start using subsections. Here are some articles that may help with this:
https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360021269734 (see the first comment and response on the article)