I am experiencing poor call quality with Sell Voice. What is wrong with Sell Voice?
Multiple users are experiencing difficultly with their calls. Every user has placed calls in different ways: calling from different locations, with multiple users on the same network; calling different numbers; having different physical setups, and have all experienced wifi quality issues. How do I begin to troubleshoot issues with Sell Voice?
Voice issues can be tricky to diagnose, as a whole host of factors can influence the quality of a call over your network.
That being said, a Sell Admin or even a Sell User can often troubleshoot their own Voice issues. We strongly encourage users to ask themselves the following questions because many times, your Sell Voice issues can be fixed on your own!
For more troubleshooting advice, see the following articles:
- Troubleshooting Sell Voice Problems
- How to troubleshoot Sell Voice recordings
- Why am I having issues with the Sell mobile app?
Who is having issues with Sell Voice?
Identify the profile of the people experiencing Voice issues.
Ask the following questions:
- Are you the only person in your account experiencing Voice issues?
- If other people are experiencing issues too, how many people total experience the issue? Are they all experiencing the same exact issue?
- What role do they all have in Sell? Does an admin on the account need to provide additional access to correct their issue?
- Are all the users calling from the same location? Are they in the same office or spread out across many different office locations?
If the Voice issue impacts users working out of the same office or using the same wifi, then it's likely that the issue is with their office's network setup, bandwidth, or high congestion rates. See the section of the article: Setting up the network for best results.
Which part of Voice is the issue?
Identify which specific feature is not working as expected.
Ask the following questions:
- Is the issue with your Voice number? Are you not able to enable Sell Voice?
- Is there a problem with placing calls? Once you have a Voice number, can you place a call in your account? Can you click on the phone number and select a calling option?
- Is the wrong number displaying on the caller ID after you masked your number?
- Is the issue with multiple numbers? Have you tried to call multiple numbers of leads and contacts in your account? Can you place a call to some numbers but not all numbers?
- Is the issue with call quality? Can you place a call successfully, but once you do so you have trouble hearing the recipient?
- Is the issue with the lead or contact's phone number? Have you tried calling these numbers on your personal device to make sure they are valid and that the calls will work outside of Sell?
- Is the issue not with calling, but rather with logging a call in your account?
- Is the issue with saving calls? Once you hang up your call, is the issue that the call did not save or the recording is not available?
Issues with logging calls and incorrect numbers are often a result of user error. Verify all numbers on leads and contacts to make sure the number is valid and formatted correctly.
Each user can check their Voice and Text settings to adjust the bridge and transfer number of their Voice account. An admin can check the Voice and Text settings of the account to add call credit, adjust call outcomes and scripts, and enable recording capabilities.
For more information, see the article: Using calls and text in Sell Voice.
What technologies are they using?
Identify any issues with the setup of the user when they are placing calls.
Ask the following questions:
- Are you using the web browser version of Sell or are you experiencing issues with the mobile app?
- What web browser are you using? We recommend using the most updated versions of Chrome and Safari.
- Are you using a headset that might be causing issues? What happens when you place a call with a different headset or without a headset entirely?
- Have you enabled microphone access on the web browser? Your call recipients won't be able to hear you if you don't allow the web browser access to your microphone.
- Are you having issues with your network? Have they tried a different cellular network or wifi?
- Have you run a speed test to confirm your network speed supports calling?
- If multiple users are running into issues with the internet, are they all on the same wifi network? If they are in the same location, does your internet support this many calls being placed by so many users?
Issues with call quality tend to be a result of poor internet connection, computer setup, and microphone issues. For more information, see the Troubleshooting suggestions section of the Troubleshooting Sell Voice problems guide.
What is the exact issue?
Identify the steps you need to take to recreate the issue.
Ask the following questions:
- Has this issue happened more than once?
- Are you able to follow the same set of steps to recreate the issue?
- How is each user placing a call on the account? Are they calling through their Sell Voice number or through a transfer number?
- Does this issue occur when you call the same number over and over? Or does the issue happen when you call every phone number in your account?
- If you call the recipient from a personal phone (not your Sell Voice number) do you still have issues? Does the person you are calling report that they have trouble with their own phone and connection with more people than just you?
- Does this issue happen during a specific time of day, when calling from a specific location, or on a specific network?
Issues that can be repeated can be addressed by our customer support team. If we can recreate the issue on our end based on the steps you provide, we can escalate the issue to our product teams. If we cannot recreate the issue, it also helps us narrow down the problem to possible user error or network connection.
What other factors impact the call?
Identify any other issues that may be interfering with your ability to call using Voice.
The most common factors that contribute to issues with Sell Voice are:
- The user has not enabled their microphone on their web browser.
- The user is calling an invalid number or not trained on how to place and log calls in Sell.
- The recipient they have called has poor call quality or didn't answer.
- The network has intermittent internet speed issues or not enough strength to support calls.
Note: Sell Voice is powered by Twilio. Sell initiates a call by sending a request to Twilio and then the call is fully supported by our partner, Twilio.
Lastly, contact the Zendesk Customer Support if you are still experiencing issues. Let us know which of the above questions you have already addressed and if you have completed the troubleshooting steps in this guide: Troubleshooting Sell Voice problems. The team can assist by reviewing calls in your account, testing the functionality on our end, going through troubleshooting steps with you, changing your Sell Voice number, and working with Twilio to identify the source of the issue.
For more information, see the article: Troubleshooting Sell Voice problems.