Use the Talk usage charges report to understand your current Talk account balance, and a breakdown of usage charges between the dates you choose. Your usage charges are broken down into the following categories:
- Calls
- Transcriptions
- Recordings
- Text messages
- Phone numbers
Additionally, the report shows the total amount of your Talk credit you used between the dates you chose. The amount might be negative if you pay for Talk usage at the end of the month. After your invoice is paid, your account balance will update. Use this article to understand how to access, configure, and export your Talk usage charges report. The usage charges report updates in near real-time.
This article contains the following topics:
Reviewing and understanding your Talk usage charges
Use the procedure in this section to display your Talk usage charges report.
To display your Talk usage charges
- In Admin Center, click the Channels icon () in the sidebar, then select Talk and email > Talk.
- On the Talk settings page, click the Usage charges
Talk displays the usage charges report.
- Configure Start date and End date to the dates you want to display. You can choose a day range of up to 31 days.
Understanding your charges
Exporting your Talk usage charges
If you want to view your Talk usage charges in other applications, you can export them as a comma-separated values (csv) file to your email which you can then import into the other application.
To export your Talk usage charges
- Open the Talk usage charges page.
- Click Export CSV.
- Select the data you want to export from the following options:
Export detailed charges CSV
You will receive a zip file containing a full itemized breakdown of all Talk charges for a given period; e.g. call leg charges, voicemail transcription charges, call transcription charges, recording charges, phone number charges and text message charges. This report can be used to reconcile charges with any Talk usage invoices you receive.
Note: The ‘calls and transcriptions’ csv file details individual call leg charges. For more information about call legs, see Reporting on calls with Explore
Export calls summary CSV
You will receive a high-level summary of all phone call charges for a given period, similar to what can be viewed on the Call history table.
Note: Since this report only references calls, it can not be used to reconcile Talk usage invoices as it does not include all Talk related charges e.g. phone number charges, text message charges, etc.
Export monitoring CSV
This report details instances where supervisors or team leads listened in on a call or barged into a call.
Export Talk credits CSV
This report will detail any credits that were applied to your Talk account for a given period e.g. Talk recharge credits.
Export detailed charges CSV
The CSV reports will be sent to the email address associated with your account. They may take up to two hours to arrive in your inbox, depending on the volume of data that needs to be exported.