The Ticket View feature in the Zendesk for Salesforce integration queries Zendesk Support in real-time, and displays a list of tickets within your Salesforce Account, Contact, Lead, and Opportunity pages. It also enables users to view, create, and edit Support tickets. When using ticket view, Zendesk ticket data is not stored in Salesforce.
This article contains the following topics:
- Limitations
- Viewing tickets in Salesforce
- Filtering and sorting tickets in Ticket View
- Adding Zendesk credentials to create and edit tickets
- Creating and editing tickets in Salesforce
Related articles:
- Attachments and ticket macros are not supported
- Tickets with a requester who does not belong to an organization is only displayed on the Salesforce Contact page, if the email address of the Salesforce contact matches the Zendesk user
- When editing tickets, multi-select picklist fields are not shown or supported.
- Conditional fields aren't conditional within ticket view. Ticket view shows all fields within the selected ticket form.
Viewing tickets in Salesforce
The Ticket View feature in Salesforce shows Zendesk Support tickets. To use the ticket view, make sure you have set it up as described in Setting up a Zendesk Ticket View in Salesforce. There are two interfaces when viewing tickets in Salesforce:
Ticket list view: The ticket list view shows a lists all tickets for the Account, Contact, Opportunity, or Lead page.
- Detailed ticket view: When you select a ticket, the detailed ticket view shows all the fields and comment history of the selected ticket. To edit a ticket, see Creating and editing tickets in Salesforce.
Filtering and sorting tickets in Ticket View
The ticket view in Salesforce allows you to specify default settings for sorting and filtering of tickets. By default, all unclosed tickets are shown and sorted in descending priority.
The default filtering and sorting is set by clicking the Filter List icon in the upper right of the ticket view. You can select and deselect any values in the Priority, Status, and Type filter categories to filter tickets.

Adding Zendesk credentials to create and edit tickets
To add Zendesk credentials to personal settings
- In Salesforce, click on the app launcher icon in the upper left, and select an Account, Contacts, Leads, or Opportunities page.
- Navigate to the ticket view in your Salesforce Account, Contacts, Leads, or Opportunities page.
- Click the cog icon
in the upper right of the ticket view to open Personal settings.
- Under Zendesk Agent, click Link Zendesk Agent.
- Enter your Zendesk credentials and allowed permissions. If you are already logged in, you are automatically authenticated and redirected back to Salesforce. You can now create and edit tickets in ticket view.
Creating and editing tickets in Salesforce
Tickets can be created and edited in Ticket View within your Salesforce Accounts, Opportunities, Contacts, and Leads pages. You can also add internal and public comments to existing tickets. However, attachments cannot be added to tickets.
To create a ticket
- In Salesforce, click on the App Launcher icon in the upper left, and select an Account, Contacts, Leads, or Opportunities page.
- In your ticket view in your Salesforce page, click New ticket.
- Enter details in the new ticket form. The fields are similar to the ticket interface in Zendesk Support:
- Requester: The name of the person making the request. It is a contact in the Salesforce account.
- Assignee: The user in Support who is assigned to resolve the ticket.
- Form: The ticket form to support the request type.
- Type: The request type.
- Priority: The priority to resolve the request.
- Subject: The ticket subject
Public reply / internal reply: Customer or agent comments
- Click Submit as. The ticket appears in your ticket view in Salesforce and in your ticket editor in Zendesk Support.
To edit a ticket
- In Salesforce, click on the App Launcher icon in the upper left, and select an Account, Contacts, Leads, or Opportunities page.
- In your ticket view, double click on the ticket. The ticket window opens.
- Click the pencil icon (
) in the ticket fields to edit the ticket.
- Click Submit As to save changes.
Next, you can continue with Configuring data sync from Salesforce to Zendesk.
Naveen Ram
is it possible to create a ticket in salesforce without manually clicking on the "New Ticket" button on the component?
Can we perform any automation where we can create a series of tickets without manually clicking that button?
Also, do we have an object called "Zendesk Ticket" on salesforce where these tickets are getting stored, if yes then we should be able to use that object in the automation tools?
Please let me know. Thank you.
Dwight Bussman
Our integration requires clicking the button to create tickets in Zendesk, but if you wanted to have an SFDC tool create tickets in a more automated fashion, you could leverage our REST API: or, but this would involve custom coding outside of our integration.
As for objects within Salesforce, the ticket view itself doesn't require/create objects in SFDC, but the Ticket Sync can create Case objects. This is a one-way sync from Zendesk to SFDC, so newly-created Cases/changes to existing Cases do not create/update Zendesk tickets. Again, for this, you'd need to leverage the REST API:
Anika Rani
@... thanks for your feedback! Glad to hear this feature has been useful for your Sales team.
Our integration doesn't officially support Salesforce mobile, only the browser. While Ticket View did work on the previous version of the Salesforce app this wasn't something we specifically intended to support (you can see in previous comments on this page, we always recommend the browser should there be a problem with the app). With the recent update, it has stopped working.
Unfortunately its not something we'll be looking to immediately address, our recommendation is still the browser. Its in our future roadmap to consider at some point. Is there any reason you can't use the browser or prefer the mobile?
Ryan Dunlap
Is it currently on the roadmap to extend the filtering capability, specifically around being able to search for a ticket by the ticket id?
Christopher Wooten
@... Any update on customizing the columns for this piece?
Anika Rani
@... Unfortunately we don't have any plans to enhance the UX for ticket view. Have you placed the lightning component on the widest part of your page layout? Which details were you still have difficulty viewing?
@... apologies for missing your question. We haven't received much feedback on the filtering, so thats not planned. Are you suggesting a way search the returned tickets by ID or keyword where perhaps there are too many pages to go through?
Randy Magliozzi
Is there anyway to set or increase the number of records display in the view from 5 to 10 or 100? Thanks!
Dwight Bussman
heyO @... - unfortunately, the Ticket View isn't flexible in this way at the moment, but if that's something that would be really helpful to you, I recommend submitting that as product feedback within our Feedback Forum. This allows others to vote in support of your idea and helps our Product Managers to decide how to prioritize future development with respect to need/desire for certain features.
Jeremy Long
Is it possible to specify a default form or to tag tickets that are created from within Salesforce? I don't see any indication of where the ticket came from. Also, why isn't the submitter at least added as a follower? That seems like bad behavior.
Arno (EMEA Partner)
Trying to figure out, if this integration would work for us in specific case. The view for creating a ticket with internal and public comments is fine, and editing fields is good too, but is it possible to actually add an internal or a public comment to an existing Zendesk ticket from Sales Force side as well? Seems obvious that it would be supported, but I was not sure based on this article.
Dwight Bussman
HeyO Arno,

It's definitely possible to add comments to existing tickets. I will talk to our Documentation team about clarifying this better herein, but here's a screenshot of this feature in action:
Similar to the creation of new tickets, the ability to add comments to existing tickets requires a linked Zendesk agent.
Lee Vienup
Is there any way to surface relevant tickets on a custom object? This object has a single Account lookup, and it's for that Account that we'd like to show all related tickets
Hey Lee Vienup! Currently, we only support Ticket View on Account, Contact, Lead, Opportunity and Case pages. We do not support Ticket View on custom objects. However, it should be possible to build out a Visualforce page in you SFDC instance that calls the Zendesk APIs to extract certain ticket data for display.
Schallinger, Yaniv
Is it possible to edit the columns display on the list of tickets on SFDC?
Meaning if I want to display a different field from the ticket on the overview instead of a current one?
This will be much helpful instead of clicking each ticket!
For example- show Resolution Action field instead of 'Updated At'.
Dwight Bussman
HeyO Schallinger, Yaniv
Unfortunately, it's not possible to modify the fields shown in the list-view at this time, but definitely good feedback that I'd recommend posting in our product feedback forum, as I could see that being a useful addition.
Kyle Janssens
Are there any insights or directions from others on how other companies have solved the fact that ticket comments are not visible in Salesforce (or are they)? We can see that you can add “Ticket View” for it to be visible but it’s not ideal that people who want to see them would have to look in another location for those comments rather than in the ticket stored in Salesforce. I’m hoping for a creative solutions since it’s not native.
In your ticket view, double click on the ticket. The ticket window opens.
Graham Ferguson
Is there any way not to require the assignee to be selected. We are using omnichannel routing and want to have Zendesk assign and not an individual?
Dwight Bussman
HeyO Graham,
The only time I'm aware of that Assignee would be required would be if you were creating the ticket in a Solved status. When I test this feature in my test account, the Requester field is required, but Assignee is not....
If you're seeing otherwise, I recommend contacting support to look into that more closely, as I don't believe that to be expected.
Anthony C
Can two or more Zendesk orgs integrate with one Salesforce org?
Dwight Bussman
At the moment the integration can only be connected to a single instance of Zendesk at a time. (technically it CAN be connected to multiple instances, but this breaks most features so we don't officially support it)
Anthony C
Thank you, Dwight, for the quick response!
Anthony C
Dwight, is there anything else I can read or know of what exactly happens if we were to do so? What functionality and features would be broken?
Dwight Bussman
Here's what I recall happening for each of those features:
Again, I can't guarantee the above, they're just my understanding based on knowledge of the underlying mechanisms for each of those features.
Anthony C
Again, thank you for all the help, Dwight! Much appreciated.
I integrate Salesforce with Zendesk but tickets in accounts did not show. How can i fix this problem
Dwight Bussman
HeyO hotone - I recommend checking the Field Matching for the Ticket View:
By default that matching is done based on the SFDC Account's Name matching the Zendesk Organization Name:

If you're also using Account name = Organization name as your matching fields, the organization of a ticket can be found in the upper left corner of the ticket:
I would start by making sure that the requester of the ticket belongs to the organization in Zendesk whose name matches the Account's name.
If you're using some other organization field for matching, I recommend checking that the value within that field in Zendesk matches the corresponding field within Salesforce.
If this doesn't help to resolve your issue, I recommend you contact support to look into this more closely.
Colin Hutzan
Trying this in sandbox and every new ticket created is creating a new organization in zendesk despite the org already existing (name match on the account name in SF). Please assist.
Dwight Bussman
HeyO Colin - I recommend reaching out to our Support team as documented here so that we can look into this matter more closely.
I suspect we'll want to discuss some specifics of your account and it's easier to do this in a more private setting. If there's something more general that would be relevant to the larger group here, we can definitely add it to this thread once the issue has been resolved.
I've configured the Permissions Sets and also have enabled profiles to access the different Visualforce pages, and yet my users still have this error: "You do not have the level of access necessary to view this application. Please contact your administrator to grant you access if necessary."
Can you please help?
Thank you!