The top deals Performance Dashboard widget provides two summary views into your top deals. The first shows your top three current deals based on deal value and the second view provides a summary of deal totals and their value. Clicking into this widget takes you to the Top Deals smart list on the Deals page where you can drill into more details.
To view the Top Deals widget
- Select the Dashboard page.
- Select the My Dashboard tab.
- If the Top Deals widget is not already visible on the dashboard, you can add it by clicking +Widget. Click the Top Deals widget and it is added to your dashboard.
- The widget has two display options: Top Deals from this Smart List or Summary of this Smart List (hover your cursor over the top right corner of the widget). To view this smart list, click the widget.
The Top Deals smart list is created automatically when you add this widget to your Performance Dashboard and is updated in real time as you customize and filter this smart list. You can access it via this widget also from your smart list Working Center (see Using the Working Center to view and manage your smart lists).
This smart list can be filtered and customized like any other smart list (see Creating and using smart lists). If you make changes and save the smart list, you’ll see these changes reflected in the widget. For example, if you change the sort order of the list by applying filters, you'll also see this change in the widget.
If you remove the Top Deals widget from your Performance Dashboard, the Top Deals smart list will not be deleted. It will continue to be available in your smart list Working Center.