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Explore recipe: Displaying users with no ticket requests

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Rob Stack

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 05, 2025




Rob Stack, im trying to show users from my organization but i want the list to show all users (even without submited tickets) but also exclude any suspended users. 


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Viktor,
You just have to follow the steps above and it should also show you the users without any tickets. As it turns out, Explore does not return a zero value so you'll need to look for the blank rows in the ticket column.


Doesn't this presume that the organization the customer is from has opened at least 1 ticket ?  What if I want to list a report that shows me any organizations that have never logged a ticket?


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Gab Guinto

Zendesk Customer Care

Hello PT Dadlani,
An end user can belong to multiple organizations, so it's possible for agents to move tickets between user orgs. Agents can also update the ticket requesters, and consequently change the associated ticket organization, when needed; and, agents/admins may also create an organization without users or tickets linked to it. So, it's definitely possible to have an organization with zero tickets listed under it.
If you need to see which organizations currently have no tickets associated to them, then you can follow similar steps outlined above, but instead of using requester status/id, you can reference the Requester organization attributes. 
IF ([Requester organization status]="Active")
THEN [Requester organization ID]
You can then slice this metric and the native Tickets metric by Requester organization name, and then sort or filter the report to see those with null values under 


How do I show only one user per organization, the one with the largest number of tickets?


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Dainne Kiara Lucena-Laxamana

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Justin Near


This should be possible using the Top/bottom attribute calculation. You will need to create a top/bottom attribute calculation and add it to your query to show only the top 1 results. You can check out this article here for more details. Here's a screenshot of my test account which you can use as reference. Feel free to customize it as you see fit.


Hope this helps!


Dainne Kiara Lucena-Laxamana - that just gives me a single top ticket holder from the whole report, and what I'm wanting is the 1 top ticket holder per organization (so a report would show more than one, but one per org).


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Justin,

If you want to see the top ticket holder per organization, you need to change the Strategy in the Top/bottom result manipulation from Auto (depends on chart) to Per block on rows or Per block on columns (depending on where you add your attributes in the report).

Here's what my test report looks like before adding a top/bottom filter:

After applying a top/bottom filter to the test report with the following configuration:

My test report now looks like this:

Hope this helps! Stay safe!


Hi @... - I had already tried that and didn't have any success. There are still multiple names/organization. Is it because there are filters?


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Salim Cheurfi

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Justin, 
I am created a ticket on your behalf, so we can check your report and investigate this further. You will receive an email shortly, we can continue the support from there. 


Olá pessoal.

Estou tentando emitir um relatório para saber quais Usuários não possuem nenhum ticket em minha base.
Não me refiro a usuários com ticket fechado e sim usuários que por algum motivo não possuem nenhum ticket criado.

Porém, não funcionou esse método e tive esse retorno.


Tentei novamente e o resultado me trouxe usuários com tickets



Hi everyone!

I have the same problem as Vinicius Henrique da Silva, I need as the article title said, just the users that have no tickets request. How can I have just the tickets = 0? 

In the result manipulation -> metric filter, the lower value of COUNT(Tickets) is 1.




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Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Maky,
I regret to inform you that currently, it's not possible to generate a report for users who haven't submitted any ticket requests. Explore relies on data from the tickets, and without ticket information, such reports cannot be created.
I recommend expressing your business need by creating a post in our community. This way, product managers can review and consider it for future updates based on user demand.


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