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Does Zendesk Sell have an API?

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Katie Dougherty

Zendesk Digital Resources Team

Edited Aug 28, 2023




Hi, I need help with the Zendesk API I can't manipulate the leads that the API gives me because I can't analyze them separately.
Can you provide me with an example where I can see the leads 1 by 1.


api result:

{'items': [{'data': {'id': 2062260526, 'owner_id': 3095000, 'first_name': 'Mark', 'last_name': 'Johnson', 'source_id': 2119555, 'unqualified_reason_id': None, 'created_at': '2021-06-02T16:31:56Z', 'updated_at': '2021-06-02T19:53:14Z', 'twitter': 'mjohnson', 'phone': '508-778-6516', 'mobile': '508-778-6516', 'facebook': 'http://mjohnson', 'email': '', 'title': 'CEO', 'skype': 'mjohnson', 'linkedin': 'http://mjohnson', 'description': 'I know him via Tom', 'industry': None, 'fax': '+44-208-1234567', 'website': '', 'address': {'line1': '2726 Smith Street', 'city': 'Hyannis', 'postal_code': '02601', 'state': 'MA', 'country': 'US'}, 'status': 'New', 'creator_id': 3095000, 'organization_name': 'Design Services Company', 'tags': ['important'], 'custom_fields': {'Programa': 'Tec. en enfermería', 'Resultado Seguimiento': 'Evaluando la información', 'Periodo': '2021-1', 'Bachiller': 'Bachiller', 'Profesión': 'Working hard', 'Estado universidad': 'Registró nuevo', 'Seguimiento': 'Contacto', 'E0 - Orientación preliminar': 'Sí'}}, 'meta': {'version': 2, 'type': 'lead'}}, {'data': {'id': 2062264702, 'owner_id': 3095000, 'first_name': 'Mark', 'last_name': 'Johnson', 'source_id': 10, 'unqualified_reason_id': None, 'created_at': '2021-06-02T17:46:43Z', 'updated_at': '2021-06-02T17:46:43Z', 'twitter': 'mjohnson', 'phone': '508-778-6516', 'mobile': '508-778-6516', 'facebook': 'http://mjohnson', 'email': '', 'title': 'CEO', 'skype': 'mjohnson', 'linkedin': 'http://mjohnson', 'description': 'I know him via Tom', 'industry': None, 'fax': '+44-208-1234567', 'website': '', 'address': {'line1': '2726 Smith Street', 'city': 'Hyannis', 'postal_code': '02601', 'state': 'MA', 'country': 'US'}, 'status': 'New', 'creator_id': 3095000, 'organization_name': 'Design Services Company', 'tags': ['important'], 'custom_fields': {}}, 'meta': {'version': 1, 'type': 'lead'}}], 'meta': {'type': 'collection', 'count': 2, 'links': {'self': ''}}}



Hi, are there any methods in Sell API to read/manage "team structure" (user hierarchy)?


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Gabriele!

I'm afraid this isn't something that we can customize or change via Sell API. You may see all the Sell API endpoints in this documentation: Zendesk Sale CRM API.


Customer Advocacy team


Hi. I need help with the Zendesk API I can't manipulate the leads that the API gives me because I can't analyze them separately.
Can you provide me with an example where I can see the leads 1 by 1.


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Viktor Osetrov

Zendesk Customer Care

Hello AMN. YT

If you would like to retrieve a single lead, you should use [GET] request. 
GET /v2/leads/:id
Returns a single lead available to the user, according to the unique lead ID provided. If the specified lead does not exist, this query returns an error.


Name Required Type In Description
id true number Query Unique identifier of the lead.

Here is the documentation for reference.
Hope it helps,


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