Zendesk Explore features a prebuilt dashboard to help you monitor your call center activity. The Talk dashboard can help you identify your call volumes, wait times, agent effectiveness, and more.
You can edit and customize the Talk dashboard by cloning it (see Cloning dashboards).
The information in Explore dashboards is updated on a schedule. The schedule depends on which Explore plan you are using. For details, see Data refresh intervals for Explore plans.
In the following topics, you'll learn how to access the Talk dashboard and see the available reports:
Accessing the Talk dashboard
Use the following procedure to access the Talk dashboard.
To access the Talk dashboard
- In Zendesk Support, open the product tray.
- From the list of products, click Analytics. Explore opens and displays the dashboard library.
- From the list of dashboards, click the Zendesk Talk dashboard.
Understanding the Talk dashboard reports
This dashboard contains the following tabs. Click a section to find out more information:
Calls tab
The Calls tab shows information about Talk calls that your agents made and received. You can filter reports by date, Talk number, IVR group, and the end user's organization.
Calls tab headline metrics
This tab displays the following headline metrics (KPIs):
- Calls: The total number of calls made using Talk.
- Inbound calls: The total number of inbound calls to Talk.
- Outbound calls: The number of outbound calls made by agents.
- Voicemail calls: The number of calls that were directed to voicemail.
- Completion rate: The percentage of calls that were successfully completed.
Calls tab reports
This tab displays the following reports:
Inbound calls by hour: The average percentage of inbound calls
received each hour of the day.
Average inbound calls by day of week: The average number of calls
received each day of the week.
Calls by date: The number of calls of each type over the date
range you choose.
Calls by type: The number and percentage of each call type over
the date range you specify.
Unsuccessful inbound calls by type: A bar chart showing the
number and percentage of each type of unsuccessful call.
Unsuccessful inbound calls by date: A bar chart showing the
number of each type of unsuccessful call each day over the date range
you specify.
Inbound calls by selected attribute (top 10): Displays the number
of incoming calls to each of your Talk numbers or call groups.
Outbound calls by selected attribute (top 10): Displays the
number of outgoing calls from each of your Talk numbers or call
Calls by selected attribute and date (top 10): Shows the total
number of calls for each of your Talk numbers or call groups on a
daily basis for the date range you specify.
Calls by month/year: Shows the total number of all calls per
month over the date range you specify.
Efficiency tab
The Efficiency tab shows information about your agents' efficiency with Talk calls. You can filter reports by date, Talk number, IVR destination group, and the end user's organization.
Efficiency tab headline metrics
This tab displays the following headline metrics (KPIs):
- Call duration average: The average duration of each call.
- Talk time average: The average time the caller and the agent were talking during the call.
- Answer time average: The average time between Talk answering the call, and the caller being connected with an agent.
- Queue wait time average: The average time end users spent in a queue before their call was answered. This time does not include any recorded greeting messages that were played, but the wait time greeting is included.
- On-hold time average: The average time end users spent on hold during a call.
Efficiency tab reports
This tab displays the following reports:
Calls by talk time brackets: Shows call duration by bracketed
percentages. For example, the report shows the number and percentage of
calls that took between 20 and 30 minutes. (Not recorded means
the value is null, meaning an agent didn't answer the call.)
Calls by wait time brackets: Shows calls by bracketed wait times
and percentages. For example, the report shows the number and percentage
of calls where the caller had to wait between 30 and 60 seconds. (Not
recorded means the value is null, meaning the end user didn't
have to wait in a queue to have their call answered.)
Regular inbound call end-user journey: Shows the daily average
call answer time, talk time, and on-hold time over the date range you
Voicemail end-user journey: Shows the average daily call wait
time together with the average duration of voicemails over the date
range you specify.
Agent activity tab
The Agent activity tab shows information about your agents' statistics when making Talk calls. You can filter reports by date, Talk number, IVR destination group, and the end user's organization.
Agent activity tab headline metrics
This tab displays the following headline metrics (KPIs):
- Accepted call legs: Displays the number of call legs that were answered by agents.
- Missed call legs: Displays the number of call legs that were missed by agents.
- Declined call legs: Displays the number of call legs that were declined by agents.
- Leg duration average: Displays the average duration of agent call legs.
- Leg talk time average: Displays the average time agents spent talking to end users in each leg.
Agent activity tab reports
This tab displays the following reports:
Call routing to agents by date: Displays the number of accepted,
missed, and declined call legs over the date range you specify.
Call routing to agents: Displays the total number of accepted,
missed, and declined call legs over the date range you specify.
Call time KPIs: Displays further headline metrics (KPIs) to show
the average time agents spent on hold, consulting, engaging in
conference calls, or wrapping up after calls.
Agent call journey: Displays information about the total time
agents spent in various call stages over the time period you
Agent activity: A wide range of information about calls your
agents have taken, made, or missed. You can choose between the Leg
agent name and the Call group and also configure the
Top and Bottom filters to show only the results you
Quality tab
The Quality tab shows information about the quality of Talk calls that your agents made and received. You can filter reports by date, group, leg agent name, Talk number, call direction, call type, and organization name.
Quality tab headline metrics
This tab displays the following headline metrics (KPIs):
- Quality rate: The percentage of good quality Talk calls.
- Good quality calls: The number of good quality Talk calls.
- Bad quality calls: The number of calls that had at least one network or audio quality issue.
- Bad quality agent legs: The number of agent call legs that had at least one network or audio quality issue.
- Bad quality end-user legs: The number of end-user call legs that had at least one network or audio quality issue.
Quality tab reports
This tab displays the following reports:
Quality rate by date: Compares the good quality call rate and the
agent leg quality call rate with the number of bad quality
Quality by leg type: Summarizes the number of good and bad
quality call legs for agents, end-users, and external calls.
Agent leg quality issues: Displays a bar chart comparing the
number of specific call issues encountered. You can choose to show one
or more agent, end-user, or external calls.
Agent leg quality issues by date: Displays a line chart showing
specific call issues encountered by your agents and groups over the date
range you specified.
Leg quality by agent or group: Displays the number of good and
bad quality legs for each of your agents or groups along with the
percentage of good-quality calls. You can choose between the Leg
agent name and the Call group and also configure the
Top and Bottom filters to show only the results you
Leg quality issues by agent or group: Displays a breakdown of
specific call issues encountered by your agents and groups. You can
choose between the Leg agent name and the Call group and
also configure the Top and Bottom filters to show only the
results you want.
Mike Nicholls
Hi there,
Under the Efficiency tab -> Calls by talk time brackets report there is a metric labeled 'not recored',
My question is what falls under not recored ? Is this time spent on a call but not talking eg on hold, ringing ?
Thank you.
The calls that fall under the "Not recorded" bracket in the Calls by talk time brackets are Abandoned calls, Voicemails and Not answered calls.
Here is a sample query that you can use on your end to check which calls are considered "Not recorded":
Please note that even though Voicemails have a Call completion status of Completed, Voicemails generally do not have a
The Call talk time metric from the article Metrics and attributes for Zendesk Talk has the definition:
You can also make use of the article above for definitions of other metrics and attributes available for Zendesk Talk. Hope this helps! Stay safe! (:
Katie Meek
Is there a report or query I can build that will show me historically how much time my agents spent with their phone set to available? We get a large number of inbound calls and I'm having difficulty teasing out if they are going to voicemail because no one is available or because the end user is selecting that IVR option.
Dave Dyson
I think the Talk Dashboard is the best place to see that currently. However, other users have requested this information be added to Explore and it's something our product team is looking into -- follow Zendesk Talk: Allow Reporting on Agent Availability
for more information as it's available. Thanks!
What does Not answered calls mean?
Dave Dyson
Non-answered calls are defined as: "The number of calls during which the end user wasn’t connected with an agent, voicemail or external number and didn't abandon the call in one of the defined call stages." Metrics and attributes for Zendesk Talk
Kian Yuen Wong
Hello there,
Is there any difference between Declined Call Legs and Missed Call Legs?
Which metrics should I refer to track how many calls that my agents missed? Scenario as below:
Caller made a call, call routed to agent A however agent A missed it, call got routed to agent B and B picked it up, if this is not considered a missed call, which metrics should I refer to?
Thank you.
Declined calls are calls where the agent clicked the decline button
Missed calls are calls that agents failed to answer. More information can be found on What do the statuses of Zendesk Talk mean?
There is also a good Explore recipe that will show declined and missed calls on tickets. Please check Explore recipe: Declined and missed calls by ticket ID and agent leg.
Elizabeth Churchill
In your example
in the number of voicemail calls (52) included in the inbound calls (415). So is this telling me that of 415 IB calls, 52 of these were directed to voicemail?
Dave Dyson
Great question! There's more information about this in Metrics and attributes for Zendesk Talk:
Hope that helps clarify things!
Is there any metric that can show pick-up time or Speed to Answer time for agents? I'm having a hard time finding this between Call Wait Time and Call Answer Time. They're both close, but I'm only looking for the time when the call starts ringing the agent and how long it takes for them to answer the call. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
Hi Whitney,
The two metrics you mentioned are being calculated from the end-user's perspective. They both refer to the time it takes the end-user to wait for their call to be picked up by an agent but are being calculated differently.
To know more about the distinction between the two, kindly see What is the difference between the metrics Call wait time and Call answer time?
Hope this helps! Stay safe! :)
How can I check the number of outbound calls made and exclude where two attempts have been made for one requester. E.g. if I know my team has 200 calls booked in a week for 200 different customers, how can I check to see if 200 calls were attempted to 200 different customers, the dataset I currently have includes a higher number as I believe it counts when more than 1 attempt was made to a customer, therefore I'm getting 230 outbound calls rather than a number closer to 200
Gerald Cunningham
When looking at our reports, we are seeing a lot of calls in the "Not Recorded" time bracket. With a heavy focus on abandoned calls, we are trying to get a clear understanding of this customer's experience. If a call is Abandoned in Queue, but "Not Recorded" does that mean that the customer is disconnecting prior to entering our queue? If so, what is the difference between the "Not Recoded" section and the "Zero" part of the 0-5sec bracket?
Gerald C
Elizabeth Churchill
I am trying to determine the talk time and wrap-up time for the month as well as the talk time average and wrap-up time average for the month. I started with this query
but when I do a different query with legs I get this
and the sum(call talk time(sec)) is different. Why? What is the best way to determine total talk and wrap time for the month for calls?
Stephen White
I'm also looking for an answer to Gerald's question:
When looking at our reports, we are seeing a lot of calls in the "Not Recorded" time bracket. With a heavy focus on abandoned calls, we are trying to get a clear understanding of this customer's experience. If a call is Abandoned in Queue, but "Not Recorded" does that mean that the customer is disconnecting prior to entering our queue? If so, what is the difference between the "Not Recoded" section and the "Zero" part of the 0-5sec bracket?
You can create a custom query by using the D_COUNT(Outbound Calls) metric and Ticket ID attribute and filter it by Call - Date.
Hi Gerald and Stephen,
0 is not part of the actual formula. It's just a range that consists of calls >0 to 5 seconds duration. This is the default formula for the first bracket.
James Beniston
I do not understand why but i cannot get a report on call duration that either includes or is specific only to outbound calls.
I have a daily report for all calls, one of the metrics there is Call Duration (Sum) but the numbers reported do not include outbound calls.
Have i missed something, doing something wrong?
Our agents make a lot of outbound calls so getting this time spent data is really important for me to track.
If you are able to used the Call Duration (Sum) in your metrics, are you also able to drill it down to Call direction to see the duration call for Outbound? See example report below from my test account:
Hope that works on your end! You can give it a try :).
James Beniston
Thanks Rosie that is a great start...
Is it possible to see outbound duration per IVR queue or talk number?
Or is there information somewhere that explains how the outbound call flow is looking?
Zendesk Talk doesn't directly provide a feature that allows you to see outbound call duration per IVR queue, but you can add Call Talk number attribute. You can also try to utilize the IVR tags keypresses, see Explore recipe: Reporting on IVR keypresses based on ticket tags. While you can see general call durations for both outbound and inbound calls, detailed breakdowns with outbound call flow aren't inherently part of the service.
Zendesk continually updates feature offerings and functionalities based on user feedback. For such specific functionality, I encourage you to create a new post in the Talk Product Feedback topic in our community to engage with other users who have similar needs and discuss possible workarounds. Conversations with a high level of engagement ultimately get flagged for product managers to review when they go through roadmap planning.
Thank you for your understanding.
Nathan Cassella
Could you clarify the weight time metric on the default talk dashboard? Does that metric only look at the wait time to speak to a specific group (if you apply the filter), or does it calculate the entire wait time, say if you were to place a call back into the queue to transfer to another group?
This is my setup. - I have a service desk that answers all inbound calls. That team performs triage and transfers the call to the appropriate call group, essentially putting the call back into the queue.
If I want to judge the performance of the triage team on how fast they respond to calls (after the IVR) and how long callers are waiting to talk to them (after the IVR), is the queue wait time average showing me this metric correctly?
The wait time for users is how long they wait in line before someone picks up their call. It doesn't count the time they spend listening to recorded messages, except for the waiting message. This time starts after they're put into the system and shows how long it takes for them to talk to an agent. It also includes any time they spend waiting in different lines if their call gets moved around between different groups.
In your setup where the service desk handles inbound calls, performs triage, and then transfers the call to the appropriate call group, putting the call back into the queue, the queue wait time average might not fully reflect the performance of the triage team or the entire wait time experienced by callers.
If you're aiming to evaluate the triage team's responsiveness after the IVR and assess how long callers wait to speak with them after the IVR, the queue wait time average might not accurately capture this detail. It typically tracks the wait time for the specific group after calls are directed there, potentially excluding the wait time experienced before reaching the triage team.
For a more comprehensive assessment of the triage team's performance and the complete waiting time experienced by callers after the IVR, you might need to consider additional metrics or a customized analysis that tracks the entire journey from the IVR through the triage team's response time and subsequent wait time before being routed to the final call group. This could involve creating specific reports or combining various metrics to get a full understanding of the user experience throughout the entire process.
Nathan Cassella
Hi Elaine
I'm not quite sure I understand what you're saying here.
The IVR option directs the caller to a specific group, if that specific group is the triage group then the wait time should actively reflect how long they wait. If the triage group transfers the call to another group, Then by the logic you're saying here if I filter for that group I should see the wait time the caller experiences waiting to speak to that other group.
If there are other options as far as combining various metrics can I get some possible direction into what those metrics would be?
Essentially what I'm taking away from your comment here is that I can't rely on the information from the wait times if I have multiple groups answering the phone and transferring to other groups which really doesn't make sense if you offer a system for filtering.
Jacob Burch
I can see the number of outbound calls an individual makes under the “Leg agent name” tab but when I move over to the “Call Group” tab, all the outbound calls are grouped together under a blank call group while all the inbound calls are spread between the different call groups. How do I fix this and get outbound calls to show up for each specific call group?
Kaushik Chowdhary
I am trying to create a report on the number of outbound calls made and the calls that were answered. However I don't seem to have the correct data. Not sure what I am doing wrong here