How can I see the group ID within Zendesk Support?
There are two methods to retrieve the group ID in Support:
Search for the group
- In Admin Center, open the People page.
- In the Groups section > select the name of the group.
- Click the Actions button > View open tickets.
The next page shows the list of tickets within that group. You can find the group ID in the search field as in the screenshot below.
Use the API
To get a list of all the groups in your account and their respective IDs, use the List Groups API: GET /api/v2/groups
Budke, John
This doesn't work! No group ID shows in admin center, or the old way. It used to show in the URL bar. I cannot figure out how to get the group IDs I need for the Assignment Control app. I also can't figure out how to install the group ID list API (I'm not a developer or coder so it's beyond me w/o detailed expalanation).
Can anyone help? Assignment Control used to work, but not since the spin-up of admin center and workspaces!
No search bar:
Jeff C
Hi John,
I've just tested and confirmed that the steps outlined here is still working as of this writing. As stated, you will need to do this in Support instead of going to the People section in the Admin Center. Sample below.
Clicking on a Group and the Tickets tab for it would show the Group ID Assigned to it.
Budke, John
Thanks, Jeff. A bit convoluted but I got it.
Budke, John
Well, I entered the group IDs but they still appear in the assignee drop-down list. Don't know what I'm doing wrong (again, this app used to work).
Group ID from settings (name Alarms/Notifications)
Entered into Assignment Control:
Still appears in the drop-down. I entered the codes for all groups I want hidden (everything except ProQA and Tech Systems), yet all still appear.
Jeff C
Hi John,
Have you tried entering the IDs and commas in a space in between them? Sample:
123456, 7891234, 12341231
Budke, John
Yes, no difference. My next step will be to delete and re-download the app.
Budke, John
I have un/reinstalled the Assignment Control app. Still, fields I choose to hide in the assign drop-down still show (but without agents in them). It appears something remains broken with this app. Any guidance?
Hello Budke, thank you for your question!
Can you confirm that you are using at least one of the "Targeted" fields on the settings for the app? The "Targeted" fields define which users/groups the assignment control will be applied to. For example, if you choose to hide group A, you need to Target at least one user or group and that will mean that that user/group will not be able to see Group A.
You can define the Target by User IDs, Group IDs, Organization IDs or Tags. As you can see on this article: Installing and using the Assignment Control app At least one "Targeted" field must be used in order for the App to work.
I hope this was helpful!
Budke, John
Thanks Beto - this resolved my issue!
The behavior you are currently experiencing is expected. We have already migrated those options in the Admin Center. You can go to the Admin Center by selecting the options below.
Once you're in Admin Center, you can then go to the options mentioned in this article.