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Searching tickets

Edited Sep 17, 2024




Thank you Dwight, I will check out the search syntax


Is there a way to search for tickets that have no type i.e. that aren't tickets, incidents, problems, tasks etc?

I have a number of tickets in my queue that don't have any type and I need to quantify them.




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Cheeny Aban

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Maurice, 

Is there something common with those tickets? If yes, I suggest that you create an Explore report and use that common information like tag, email, and or created date, as a filter to show those tickets on your report. 


Is there a way where I can search in the contents of a PDF attachment in tickets?
(eg. I am looking for an order" which is referred to in the PDF but not in the accompanying email text.)


I just cannot make any part of custom fields search actually work.  I have one that has literally thousands of tickets with values.  

I couldn't get it to work for any specific value, so I tried the star method, and even that says no matches. Has there been an update to this feature? Can we no longer search by custom field values? 


Hi CJ - 
Your screenshot (thanks for including that) makes it look like there's a blank space between "custom_field_" and the field ID number. Can you try removing that blank space and see if that helps?


@... I can confirm there's no space. Also, this same search works great via the API without issue.


Hi CJ, thanks for your patience. I've tested custom field search in my own test instance and it seems to be working. For example, I have a regex field, and custom_field_1500011198782:* returns both tickets that have a value for that field. Prepending a minus ahead of that returns every ticket except those two, and I can also search specifically for the values in that field and it all is working fine for me. Are you still seeing issues with this?
I'll add that when searching for specific values for drop-down fields, I had to use the tag instead of the string value, but otherwise it worked fine for that field as well.
If you're still unable to get results in the Support agent interface's search function, let me know and I'll create a ticket on your behalf. 



I'm facing an issue with the search page resetting the sort order when opening a saved search link.

* I write a search string including an order_by:X and sort:desc clause, and I wish to be able to send the results of this search to colleagues (to pin at the top of a slack channel for my team)

* I select "copy link", and indeed I get a link containing the full search string including the order_by clauses.

* However, when I _use_ that link e.g. in a new tab, or by sending to a colleague, when the page opens the sort order and order_by terms are gone.

Any ideas?




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Dwight Bussman

Zendesk Customer Care

HeyO Tim Burgess - This is a known issue that's currently under investigation by our search team. Please keep an eye on our release notes for announcements when a fix for this is released.


Is there a keyword for searching only the initial comment of a ticket? In all other contexts this is called the "description," but in search this seems to include any subsequent comments on the ticket as well. I think this is misleading.


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Collin,

Unfortunately, once a keyword has been entered, it will search for all the ticket comments on the ticket and there's no option to restrict it just on the ticket description.


I have integrated Salesforce, and a ticket created from Salesforce and synced to Zendesk as the origin as "Via system". What is system?

I'd like to use this as a trigger condition but couldn't find "system" in the channel drop down list.


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Gabriel Manlapig

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Sol J,
Please see this helpful article to help determine how tickets are created and from what channels:

How was that ticket created?
"If a ticket is created from a web application that is connected to Zendesk, such as a custom app, you will see Via System notated under the ticket subject line."

A custom field would be necessary if you want to identify these tickets created from Salesforce in a trigger in Support. Or, also add the condition mentioning about the subject text - it depends on what you want exactly and your own setup.

I hope that helps!


I am currently trying to find all tickets that include an attachment.

has_attachments:true gives odd results. 83 tickets are found which is far too few but 1455 side conversations are listed. Are there any details on what exactly counts as an attachment and how this search works?



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Dwight Bussman

Zendesk Customer Care

HeyO Eckhard Doll

I've seen other examples of this and the most comment reason is that it's possible to embed inline images using HTML which function as attachments, but aren't technically directly "attached" to the ticket in a standard sense. This is tricky to detect from an API perspective: where do we draw the line in terms of an inline image being counted as an attachment. 

If you have examples that aren't returned by the has_attachments:true that you'd like us to look into, please contact our support team to do so, but the short version is that tickets will only be indexed for search as having attachments when those are formally attached directly within the ticket itself (i.e. not just referenced in the html_body of a comment). 


Noticed recently that if you attempt to use your Search Zendesk Support box and you add multiple tags, you will not show results for those tags anymore and your search criteria will only apply to one (1) tag entered. 


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Dwight Bussman

Zendesk Customer Care

HeyO Jeff, 

I'm not certain the part of our product to which you're referring, and would encourage you to contact support if you're seeing behavior that seems unexpected. 

If this is referring to the Search Filters: 

These appear to return results for either tag, making this search akin to 

type:ticket tags:waffles tags:consumer_electronics

where any ticket with either of those tags should be included in the results.


Is there a filter to limit number of results? I'm using Advanced Search, and for a specific search I e.g. only want max 10K results on closed tickets created between certain dates. 


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Mike DR

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Ingrid!
I did double check the article and searched additional resources on our end, as of now, it isn't possible to limit the tickets being searched. I do understand this is a neat feature to have, what I would love to do with your partnership is attack this from both fronts; on my side, I'll flag a couple of articles for revisions as there are places we can call this out that could expressly mention it so others don't experience the frustrations you've experienced, and on your end if you could submit product feedback as outlined here to communicate use case, headaches caused, etc. so our product team can take it into future roadmap + release consideration I would be greatly appreciative.


When searching for multiple values of the same custom field, one can add the following to the query  parameter of the /search endpoint:

custom_field_1234:some_value custom_field_1234:some_other_value


This will search for instances where the custom field with ID 1234 contains “some_value” or “some_other_value” - this works as expected.


When searching the same field for blank/NULL values, one can include the following to the query parameter:


And, this will correctly return all instances where the field with ID 1234 has blank/NULL values.


There is an issue, however, when combining the two. Example: I need to find all instances where the values is either “some_value” or is blank:

custom_field_1234:some_value -custom_field_1234:*


This will result in only the blank values.


Is there another way to accommodate this use case?




Apologies if this info is already available somewhere, I couldn't seem to find it.


We have a custom field which uses a drop down menu, and of course in the custom field definition there is a unique tag associated with each full text option that is seen in the UI. When getting ticket search results that field is referenced by it's id and the value is the associated tag. All fine and dandy so far.


For one of my use cases, I need to look up the actual full text that's shown in the ticket dropdown UI, and in fact do not even want/need any tickets returned. I simply want to query the tag, or perhaps the custom field id and the tag (which I already have from a previous ticket search query), and get the full associated text returned.


Perhaps it's another part of the API altogether?


Thank you!


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