Zendesk Sell provides you with a modern and easy-to-use sales CRM to maximize sales productivity, pipeline visibility, and revenue. You have a couple of options for buying Zendesk Sell:
- You can start a trial version of Zendesk Sell, then buy it.
- You can work with Zendesk to upgrade your existing Sell plan to the latest Zendesk Sell plan.
There are several versions of Zendesk Sell plans. Before you decide to buy, Zendesk recommends reviewing these options to see which version best fits your needs. See About Zendesk Sell plans.
This article includes these sections:
Buying Zendesk Sell with a trial
Zendesk recommends trialing Zendesk Sell first before buying. A trial provides you with onboarding tips to help you get set up. The instructions in this section assume you don’t have an existing Zendesk Sell plan, if you already have one, see Upgrading legacy plans to Zendesk Sell.
To start a Zendesk Sell trial
- On the Zendesk Sell web page, choose the plan you want to trial, then click Free trial.
You can review each plan type to see what features are included, or click See full Sell comparison. - When you start your Free trial, follow the onscreen instructions provided by the trial registration and onboarding wizard.
The wizard will help you set up your account and evaluate some of the main features of Sell. See Getting started with Zendesk Sell.
When you’ve finished the evaluation, you’re ready to buy.
- To buy Zendesk Sell, click the Buy Zendesk Sell button at the top of the wizard.
- Select the plan you want to buy.
The Your trial banner at the top of the page shows you which plan was included in your trial. You can buy the plan you used during the trial, or you can pick another plan.
If you aren’t sure which plan to buy, you can click a plan to get a detailed description of what’s included in the plan, or click Compare plans to get a feature-by-feature comparison across plans. - After you select the plan you want to buy, enter the number of seats to include in the plan.
- Click the Billing cycle toggle to select your billing cycle.
You can pay Annually for a substantial discount or Monthly if you prefer.
- Click Next.
You can also Customize your subscription before you purchase by adding other Zendesk products, including Zendesk Suite and Zendesk Support.
- Enter your Payment information, then click Complete purchase.
You can pay by Bank account (direct debit), Credit or debit card, or PayPal.
To manage your payment options later, including changing your payment method, see Managing payments. To view and manage your subscription after purchase, see Viewing and managing plan subscriptions.
Upgrading legacy plans to Zendesk Sell
If you have an existing Sell legacy plan, you can upgrade your account to the new Zendesk Sell plans. Contact Zendesk Customer Support or your account representative for details.
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Akel Al issa