OpenID Connect (OIDC) is an authentication protocol built on the OAuth 2.0 framework. It enables developers to authenticate users and obtain basic profile information in a secure and standardized manner. OIDC uses ID tokens to verify the identity of users based on the authentication performed by an authorization server, simplifying the process of managing user identities and enhancing the security of interactions between users and applications.
OIDC single sign-on (SSO) with Zendesk streamlines the authentication process by allowing users to sign in using a central identity provider (IdP) like Google or Okta rather than managing separate login credentials for Zendesk.
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How OIDC SSO for Zendesk works
OIDC SSO allows a user to authenticate with an IdP using a standard protocol. Once authenticated, the IdP issues an ID token that is used to verify the user's identity and access permissions.
Steps of the Zendesk SSO process with OIDC:
- An unauthenticated user navigates to your Zendesk Support URL. Example:
- Depending on your sign-in workflow, the user clicks a button on the Zendesk sign-in page to sign in with SSO, directing them to your IdP, or is automatically redirected to your IdP to sign in.
- After the user authenticates successfully, the IdP generates an ID token that contains user-specific information.
- The token is sent back to Zendesk, where it is validated against the configuration details shared between Zendesk and the IdP.
- After successful validation, Zendesk grants the user access, leveraging the trust established by the IdP.
Important considerations
- It's not possible to use OIDC to authenticate users in messaging.
- Zendesk requires all users to have an email address associated with their profile, but your users might try to sign in without having an email address. In this scenario, to prevent a loop where the authentication fails because of a missing email address, Zendesk will display an error message.
- If you want to use OIDC with Entra, a few specific requirements need to be
- The Authentication mode must be PKCE.
- Add the callback URL on the Entra OIDC PKCE configuration form under Mobile and desktop applications - Redirect URIs.
Creating the OIDC SSO configuration
Admins can enable OIDC single sign-on only for end users, only for team members (including light agents and contributors), or for both groups. You can create multiple OIDC SSO configurations.
The information needed for this step must come from the IdP you're using, so make sure your IdP is set up before you start. You may have to obtain the information from your company's IT team.
To create the OIDC SSO configuration in Zendesk
- In Admin Center, click
Account in the sidebar, then select Security > Single sign-on.
- Click Create SSO configuration, then select OpenID Connect.
- Enter a unique Configuration name.
- (Optional) For IP ranges, enter a list of IP ranges if you want to
redirect users to the appropriate sign-in option.
Users making requests from the specified IP ranges are routed to the remote OIDC authentication sign-in form. Users making requests from IP addresses outside the ranges are routed to the standard Zendesk sign-in form. Don't specify a range if you want all users to be redirected to the remote authentication sign-in form.
- In the Client ID field, enter the Client ID given to you by your IdP.
- Enter the Client secret if your IdP requires it.
Because the client secret must be kept confidential, you won't see the full secret again after you save the configuration. If you need to rotate the secret, edit this SSO configuration to enter and save a new secret.
- In the Scopes field, list all the scopes you want to request from the
IdP. At a minimum, you must add
. Scopes are separated with spaces and no commas. For example:openid email phone
Supported scopes within the OIDC standard include
, andphone
. You can also list any custom scopes that have been configured in your IdP.Unaccepted scopes that your IdP rejects will cause sign-in to fail with the error
Unknown error during sign-in
. Zendesk doesn't validate any of the scopes in this field. - Select Turn on auto discovery if you only want to provide the Issuer URL. When this is turned on, Zendesk will automatically extract the configuration details from the OIDC Configuration Document. You only need to provide the Issuer URL and Authentication Mode.
- Enter the required URLs.
Check if your IdP requires a specific format for the URLs you are using. If the URLs are incorrectly formatted and rejected by your IdP, you may encounter a sign-in failure accompanied by the error message
Unknown error during sign-in
. Zendesk doesn't validate the URLs in these fields.- Issuer URL (also known as the issuer identifier): A unique identifier for the IdP that performs user authentication and delivers the ID tokens.
- UserInfo URL: An endpoint provided by the IdP that, when accessed with a valid access token, returns attributes about the authenticated user.
- JWKs URL: An endpoint provided by the IdP that allows Zendesk to retrieve the provider's public keys. These keys are used to verify the signature of JSON web tokens (JWTs) that the IdP issues.
- Authorization URL: When users access this URL, they are prompted to sign in and consent to the requested scopes.
- Access URL (also known as the token endpoint URL): Used to exchange an authorization code, client ID, and client secret for an access token.
- Choose an Authentication Mode. PKCE is recommended.
- Using PKCE to obtain the access token is best for public clients, like mobile or Javascript web apps, as it uses dynamically generated keys to prevent unauthorized token exchange without needing a client secret.
- Choose Authorization code flow if you want the access token to be obtained using Authorization code flow. This is best for server-based apps with secure back-end storage that rely on a client secret to obtain tokens.
- Select Show button when users sign in if you let users choose how they sign in
and want this configuration to be an option they can choose from. If you
select this option, you also need name the button that will be shown
on the Zendesk sign-in page.
Clear this box if your users only sign in using an identity provider because they don't use the Zendesk sign-in page.
- Click Save.
By default, enterprise SSO configurations are inactive. You must Assign OIDC SSO to users to activate it.
Assigning OIDC SSO to users
After creating your OIDC SSO configuration, you must activate it by assigning it to end users, team members, or both.
To assign an SSO configuration to team members or end users
- Open the Security settings for team members or end users.
- In Admin Center, click
Account in the sidebar, then select Security > Team member authentication.
- In Admin Center, click
Account in the sidebar, then select Security > End user authentication.
- In Admin Center, click
- Select External authentication to show the authentication options.
- Select the name(s) of the SSO configuration(s) you want to use.
Single sign-on might not cover all use cases, so Zendesk authentication remains active by default.
- Select how you'd like to allow users to sign in.
Let them choose allows users to sign in using any active authentication method. See Giving users different ways to sign into Zendesk.
Redirect to SSO only allows users to authenticate using the primary SSO configuration. Users don’t see additional sign-in options, even if those authentication options are active. When you select Redirect to SSO, the Primary SSO field appears for you to select the primary SSO configuration.
- Click Save.
Managing users in Zendesk after turning on OIDC SSO
After enabling OIDC single sign-on in Zendesk, changes made to users outside Zendesk don't automatically sync to your Zendesk account. Users are updated in Zendesk at the point of authentication. For example, if a user is added to your internal system, the user is added to your Zendesk account when they sign in to Zendesk. If a user is deleted from your internal system, the user will no longer be able to sign in to Zendesk. However, their account will still exist in Zendesk.
By default, the only user data stored in Zendesk when single sign-on is enabled is the user's name and email address. Zendesk does not store passwords. As a result, you should turn off any automated email notifications from Zendesk about passwords.
Turning off password notification emails from Zendesk
A Zendesk user profile is created for any new user who accesses your Zendesk account through SAML, JWT, or OpenID Connect (OIDC) single sign-on. Because users are authenticated through an IdP with a non-Zendesk password, the profile is created without a password because they don't need to sign in to Zendesk directly.
Because new users who sign in to Zendesk through SSO are verified through an IdP, they don't receive email notifications to verify their account. However, it is still recommended to turn off these automated email notifications to prevent them from being sent if the IdP does not successfully verify the user. In the case of SSO, user verification must always occur through the IdP.
To turn off password notification emails
- In Admin Center, click
People in the sidebar, then select Configuration > End users.
- In the Account emails section, deselect Also send a welcome email when a new user is created by an agent or administrator.
- In Allow users to change their password, deselect this option.
Switching authentication methods
If you use a third-party SSO method to create and authenticate users in Zendesk and then switch to Zendesk authentication, these users will not have a password available for login. To gain access, ask these users to reset their passwords from the Zendesk sign-in page.
Attributes supported by Zendesk
Standard attributes are predefined, widely accepted attributes
specified by the OIDC protocol and ensure a uniform understanding of user
identity across different systems. Zendesk supports the following standard
phone number
(maps to Zendesk user attributephone
) -
(maps to Zendesk user attributeremote_photo_url
) -
(maps to Zendesk user attributealias
) -
(maps to Zendesk user attributetime_zone
- Custom attributes are additional attributes that extend the standard set to meet Zendesk-specific requirements. You can pass custom attributes in the ID token or userinfo claims.
The table below is a complete list of standard and custom attributes supported by Zendesk.
Attribute | Description |
name | The user's full name in displayable form including all name parts, possibly including titles and suffixes, ordered according to the end user's locale and preferences. |
The user's primary email address. | |
email_verified | True if the user's email address has been verified; otherwise false. When this attribute value is true, this means that the OpenID Provider took affirmative steps to ensure that this email address was controlled by the user at the time the verification was performed. When you use SSO at Zendesk, it's your responsibility to verify your user's email addresses. |
organization | Name or id of an organization to add the user to. The external_id attribute of an organization is not supported. If the organization doesn't exist in Zendesk, it won't be created. The user will still be created, but they won't be added to any organization. |
organizations | Comma-separated values such as org1 ,
org2 , org3
organization_id |
The organization's external ID in the Zendesk API. If both organization and organization_id are supplied, organization is ignored. Example: If you'd like to pass multiple organization IDs at the same time, use the organization_ids attribute instead. The organization IDs must be passed in a string, separated by commas. |
organization_ids |
The organization's external IDs in the Zendesk API. Use this attribute when passing multiple organization IDs at the same time. If both organizations and organization_ids are supplied, organizations is ignored. Example: Comma-separated values such as |
phone | A phone number, specified as a string. |
tags | Tags to set on the user. The tags will replace any other tags that may exist in the user's profile. |
remote_photo_url | URL for a photo to set on the user profile. |
locale (for agents) locale_id (for end users) |
The locale in Zendesk, specified as a number. To get a list of valid numbers, see Locales in the API docs. |
zendesk_role | The user's role. Can be set to end-user , agent, or admin. If you don't pass a zendesk_role, then Zendesk creates the user as an end user, unless they already exist with another role. |
custom_role_id | Applicable only if the value of the role attribute above is agent. You can get the IDs of your custom roles with the Custom Roles API. |
external_id | A user ID from your system if your users are identified by something other than an email address or if their email addresses are subject to change. Specified as a string. |
user_field_<key> | A value for a custom user field in Zendesk Support. See Adding custom fields to users.
The <key> is the field key assigned to the custom user field in
Zendesk Support. Example: user_field_employee_number
where employee_number is the field key in Zendesk.
Sending a null value or an empty string in the attribute value will
remove any custom field value set in Zendesk Support. |