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Metric format is not respected in Excel and CSV exports
Posted Jan 13, 2021
Hi there,
We just have realised that when exporting to Excel queries(within dashboards) where data is shown in percentage the absolute numbers from the background are exported into Excel, instead of %.
This caused us problems leading us to sent data to external users exposing the absolute numbers instead if %. This is sensitive data and shouldn't have been shared externally in absolute numbers.
Can we ask to bring this issue to the developers' attention and to prioritise it, if possible? It's a handy feature and we would like to use it, but we can't always do it with the current implementation.
Eugene Orman
Thank you, we appreciate your feedback about this issue. We are aware of this issue and will investigate if it can be fixed in future iterations of the Explore exporting functionality.
Allison Ramsey-Henry
I am also having this issue. It is preventing us from being able to pass a canned report directly to clients because the satisfaction is presented as a decimal instead of %. Any plans to fix this?
Jason Eisenberg
Adding to this as well. We want to use a query for a client facing report but cannot due to the % showing as a decimal.
Jeffrey Hendricks
I would also like to be able to export as a percentage. I am reporting on SLA adherence by customer, by month, across all time, and there are so many columns to edit as the months and years pass.
Dinesh Korgaokar
the format always issue in Zendesk explore. The reply i got is we have to adjust the format in Excel or CSV.
we have to manually do all the formatting already done in explore.