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Add Searchable Columns in Deleted Ticket View
Posted Jun 15, 2021
Currently the Deleted ticket view only has the columns ID, Subject, Date Deleted, and the Deleted By columns.
In other views, we are able to add in additional columns such as Requestor, Group, and Assigned to Agent.
The issue: Deleted tickets are not searchable and we are unable to add more context to the Deleted ticket view.
The impact: For admins that are working in multi-brand instances with many teams and many emails, it is challenging to find deleted tickets. We want to be able to search more easily for deleted tickets rather than guessing at the titles or having to hover over each individual ticket. This would be a time savings and more efficient for our team.
The current workaround: Having to hover over tickets individually one by one.
What we would like to see happen: Be able to add additional columns to the Deleted tickets views similar to other views as well as to be able to search Deleted tickets in the search fields.