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Setting up of user segmentation
Posted Sep 07, 2021
I would like to ask some clarifying questions related to user view permission and the creation of user segment for Zendesk Support.
Here's what we would like to achieve: we would like to restrict our end-user view permission based on the plan they're on with us
For context: we're under the Professional plan that gives access to 5 FAQs. Our product has 3 different pricing plans in general. We have a user base (end-users who are our customers) that we want to segment based on the type of plan that they have with us. In addition to that, we'll have one content that is shared among all the users.
My questions are:
- Do our customers need to create a Zendesk account in order to access the articles? I saw the ability to give access to the articles to only signed-in users, but could that be signed-in users through our platform?
- When creating the user segment, could we apply the tag in a batch that is directly from our database then mirror the tag on the settings of Zendesk?
- If we were to have one link per article without restriction, will the users be able to see the other articles on the tree view menu or can that be hidden?
Thank you
Hey Aurore! I've addressed each of your questions below 😊
- Do our customers need to create a Zendesk account in order to access the articles? I saw the ability to give access to the articles to only signed-in users, but could that be signed-in users through our platform?
Customers need to be signed-in to your Help Center, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they need to have a specific Zendesk account/password. You could look into setting up end-user SSO, which you can find more information about here: Using Single sign-on (SSO) to customize your end-users' knowledge base, email templates, and ticket forms
- When creating the user segment, could we apply the tag in a batch that is directly from our database then mirror the tag on the settings of Zendesk?
You can bulk update your users/organizations to apply specific tags to them so that it matches how your database users/organizations are tagged. For more information about bulk updating users, check out the article How can I bulk update users?. For organizations, check out Bulk importing organizations.
- If we were to have one link per article without restriction, will the users be able to see the other articles on the tree view menu or can that be hidden?
Users will only be able to see articles that they have access to see. Let's say you have two articles in a section, one that is visible to Everyone, and one that is visible to User Segment A.
Aurore R ✌
Thanks a lot Sabra for the quick reply :)
About the following:
"Customers need to be signed-in to your Help Center, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they need to have a specific Zendesk account/password."
Let's say our users are already signed-in to our platform and we have a Zendesk link to the Help Center on our platform. Is there a way to allow users signed-in to our platform to immediately access the Help Center based on the permission view? (i.e users signed-in to our platform = users signed-in to our zendesk help center) or the sign-in to the Help Center needs to happen if we want the different permission view?
Thank you!
User segments control which articles a user has access to. In order to show the user the correct articles corresponding to their assigned user segments, we need to know who the user is. In order to know who the user is, they need to be signed in or authenticated in some way. There are various options for sign in/authentication:
If you were to use Enterprise single sign-on, users could start the sign-on process from your corporate server or the third-party identity provider sign-in page and then be authenticated automatically when accessing Zendesk. Check out the following article for more information: Single sign-on (SSO) options in Zendesk