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Add categories (subviews, dropdown view) function to Views
Posted Feb 09, 2021
Currently, the first 12 shared views are accessible in the Views list. Which might not be enough if you need more subviews/categories.
I will provide examples of the categorized Views and then explain the benefits of it.
Examples of the categorized Views
In our case, we have multiple brands added to Zendesk.
Each brand has different categorized Views, based on:
- Channels
- Language
- Topic (usually filtered by tags which work on particular keywords)
- Help Center submit forms
These first-level categories can be also categorised in their subcategories. For instance, Topic can be categorized in:
- Access issues
- Subscriptions
- Refunds
This is how our Views look in one of the apps from the marketplace (14 brands are connected here):
Depending on the product, the brand View might have multiple subfolders within it.
This is how our View of the categorized brand looks like:
So, here one brand View has multiple categories with 4 depth category levels.
Why is it beneficial to categorize?
- It helps to onboard agents faster when you allow them to start familiarizing with the product by topic;
- Some products have agents who work only with one topic, thus helping to improve efficiency.
- It helps to analyze tickets from the help centre easier when we can dedicate agents to work only with the tickets from the help centre.
- It helps to categorize tickets by issues, which require special attention from more experienced agents.
- Categorization by language also allows choosing the agents with skills needed for the language or the specification of the market.
- Agents can migrate to provide help to other products based on category.
Since Zendesk has a categorization option for macros with :: which allows creating multiple category depth levels, the same functionality could be implemented for subviews option.
Additional to it, the same function of ordering (as trigger categories) could be used in Views too.
We, of course, could use the third-party app but currently, it lags, has quite many glitches and not everything gets along with Zendesk (has not enough consistency).
Let's see how many of us need it, give a vote if you feel a lack of it.
Thank you!