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Change default sort order of tickets in "Organization" view?
Posted Jun 17, 2021
Hi all! I searched the interwebs but could not find anything about this, so you are my last resort.
The question at hand is:
when looking at an organization in Zendesk Support, I'm presented a list of tickets of this organization. Is it possible to change the sorting of this list? I can see the tickets are grouped by status, and then somewhat sorted within the grouping.
I'm talking about this "view":
It would be great if there would be an option to change the "default sorting of tickets in organization view". I looked for it, but couldn't find it.
Thanks for your help/thoughts on this!
1 comment
Hi Jonathan,
Appreciate the question, this is a pretty good one.
At the moment, you can change the sorting by clicking on the column headers (ID, Subject, Requester, etc.) though this will only sort it out temporarily. What I mean is that closing the view and opening it again will result in the sorting be via status.
As far as changing the default sorting, this is currently not available as this is technically not a "view" that we can edit. I would recommend posting this as a feature request. I have to admit, this would definitely be a great functionality to have.