Jira Integration : Create a template for the description field of the Jira ticket
Posted Oct 21, 2021
This question has been asked in 2018, but it was not possible at the moment. Is it now ?
"I use the Zendesk platform to receive requests from my clients. I turn these requests in Jira ticket. I would like to apply a macro on the description field (when I create the Jira ticket on Zendesk) in order to have a common formatting of all Jira tickets."
Thanks a lot
Sean Bourke
Hi Margaux Baloge,
While this isn't something which our Jira integration supports today, we have captured feedback from customers who have asked for templating within the description field in Jira.
To help us better understand your needs, it would be great if you could provide some responses regarding the following questions:
Please let me know if you'd like to connect in a call to explore this further.
Jimmy Rufo
Hi @...,
We have this same need for escalations from Zendesk to JIRA. Most of the information we need is a manual entry. Below are assumed data points you would normally see in an escalation to JIRA, but if we have users that have bad habits and just copy/paste from Zendesk, it makes having a template to follow necessary.
Jason Margo
Hi @...,
I also would like to create a template for the zendesk tickets that are turned into feature requests and bug requests in Jira. Right now with no template the quality of these ticket is inconsistent at best. This causes our product team to lose significant time (hours daily) chasing down information required for accurate prioritization of these features. When these tickets are submitted following a template we have (which is often forgotten by the submitter), the time needed to prioritize these feature requests is less than a third of what would be typically required. We typically only submit tickets to Jira for 3 types of tickets (feature requests, bugs, requests for information) all of which have a consistent list of questions or steps.
Thanks for your consideration,
Heather Rommel
Hi Jason Margo,
I know this isn't perfect, but I think what you can do is create a macro for your Agents that they use before creating a Jira ticket. Have the macro prompt the Zendesk agent with the info you want in the Jira ticket.
Then when they click "create Jira" have them click "copy fields"
The last comment will populate as the description.
The other option is to create custom fields on Zendesk for the info you need and have the Agent fill them out. You can have these fields synced to Jira when a Jira ticket is created. This is found in the Jira app settings under Field Mapping.
Chelsea Todd
My team currently submits to a single team project in Jira with multiple microteams within, and each issue type routes to those microteams where the default description outlines required information based on what the specific team needs. We have about 20 issue types in Jira for this team and automations and unique default descriptions for each which would be helpful if they appeared in the Jira app in Zendesk for our agents.
Using macros would not work, since we have a plethora of those to facilitate customer responses and would muddy that workflow for the support team.
Dave Dyson
It sounds like you're talking about a separate issue, so for the best visibility to our product team, can you post your use case to our Feedback - Platform: Apps & Integrations forum, using this template to ensure our team gets the information they need? Thanks!