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iOS v2 Chat SDK stalling

Posted Dec 15, 2021


We've recently been attempting to intergrate the Chat v2 SDK into our app, however we're running in to errors with the offline form. 

When agents are offline, the bot says that it will need to gather more information however it doesn't specify or ask. 

Contact information is already populated using Chat.instance?.configuration.visitorInfo 

We also use these flags to set availability behaviour. 

chatConfiguration.isOfflineFormEnabled = true
        chatConfiguration.isAgentAvailabilityEnabled = true

The screenshot is also attached, any help would be fantastic! 




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Eric Nelson

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hey Ko,

Are you implementing this through the Unified SDK? If so can you share with us a list of the Zendesk dependencies that you have along with a version of them? If you could share this along with the relevant code snippets of how you're initializing the chat sdk and answerbot - it'd be much appreciated!


Hiya Eric, 

Thanks for having a look! 

We're not implementing this through the Unified SDK, these are the code snippets used

Dependencies - ZendeskChatSDK (2.11.1)

        let chatConfiguration = ChatConfiguration()
        // Have tried a number of different variations for these settings:
        chatConfiguration.isPreChatFormEnabled = false
        chatConfiguration.isOfflineFormEnabled = true
        chatConfiguration.isAgentAvailabilityEnabled = true
        if let user = userRepository.user {
            let chatAPIConfiguration = ChatAPIConfiguration()
            chatAPIConfiguration.visitorInfo = VisitorInfo(name: "\(user.profile?.firstName ?? "") \(user.profile?.lastName ?? "")", email:, phoneNumber: user.profile?.mobilePhone ?? "")
            Chat.instance?.configuration = chatAPIConfiguration

        // Build view controller
        let chatEngine = try ChatEngine.engine()
        let chatViewController = try Messaging.instance.buildUI(engines: [chatEngine], configs: [chatConfiguration])

        // Present view controller
        viewController.navigationController?.pushViewController(chatViewController, animated: true)


and when we tried Messaging as well 

        let messagingConfiguration = MessagingConfiguration() = "Chat Bot"
        let chatViewController = try Messaging.instance.buildUI(engines: [chatEngine], configs: [chatConfiguration, messagingConfiguration])


Hey Ko Wen

This issue was in our backlog already, it should be resolved in 2.11.2.
Can you update and let us know if the issue persists?



Hiya @...

Thanks for letting me know, unfortunately I'm not able to locate these on Cocoapods. 

My devs have mentioned that there are a fair few other dependencies not published there either, requiring a lot of manual work to locate and install. 

The three we're having trouble with are;

  • ZendeskChatSDK (= 2.11.2)
  • ZendeskMessagingSDK (= 3.8.3)
  • ZendeskChatProvidersSDK (= 2.11.2)

I find myself in an odd position, asking the same question to you - could you update your published dependencies and we'll let you if the issue persists?




we're having the same issue with the offline bot in iOS Chat v2 SDK and with the same configuration as Ko Wen. It happens with both 2.11.1 and 2.11.2 SDKs. Android SDK 3.3.3 works fine in this situation.

One detail we noticed is that when the customer sends their initial message, the SDK disconnects for a second, or less, when the bot is answering. It's very quick, but can be seen in a screen capture. Then the bot stops working after sending the "To contact you when someone is available..." message so it never asks for the information and the message input field stays disabled so the customer can't send any messages either.

These screenshots are from 2.11.1 SDK because 2.11.2 broke the navigation bar style by forcing Zendesk blue on it.



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