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Request - CC an email address without manually adding a new user

Posted Feb 21, 2022

We wish to be able to simply add an email address in the CC field without manually creating a new user.

It is possible to just add an email in the Recipient field and it'll automatically set up a user when creating a ticket that way, but when adding a CC, you have to manually 'add user' each time, and there is often a loading time each time this needs to be done.





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Benjamin Kirsch

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi everyone, thank you for your feedback around CCing an end user before their identity is created. This is not currently planned for our roadmap but please continue to engage and upvote this thread so we can evaluate and prioritize accordingly. Thank you!


yes, this is super annoying!


Not only does it require you to Add the user but it's a really dumb popup in that it doesn't copy and paste what you just typed into the email field so now you have to type it a second time. Lame!


Oh, and it blocks out the ticket that you're working on so you can't read your ticket where the email address is listed in a previous response.


It also seems to force you to type in a Name in addition to the email address, which I don't always know. Seems like a downgrade from the older pre-followers CC experience where you could just enter an email address into the CC box in the sidebar


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Dan R.

Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

Agreed, ran into this today. It would be nice if it at least took the context of the email I was adding.

For other community members out there, do you have your zendesk set to accept tickets from any users or just registered users? If the latter, I wonder if that may be why it forces creation of a user?


Dan R.,

We allow anyone to submit a ticket using our web form (not requiring them to have an account and log in), so if that is what you mean, it has no impact on being able to cc another user that has not been created in the system. :( We still need to manually add a new user in order to cc them on an email. 

I agree with this issue. We shouldn't have to create a user profile in order to add them in cc to an email. This seems like it's not compliant with privacy policies since that person never agreed to have their personal information stored in our system.....

I thought that it was only followers of tickets that had to be users but that you could cc any email address until one of my agents complained about this and asked me to weigh in on the subject. Please consider this for future enhancements!


Agreed, this has been an annoyance of ours as well while we frequently interact with users that are not added in the system from our web forms. We just want to send a email, they don't need a Zendesk account. If Zendesk insists on a contact, it should be automatic from the CC'd email. 



Benjamin Kirsch What was the design reason to force the creation of a user profile prior to adding them to CC?


This seems an odd design decision to us too - we only rarely know a customer’s full name, and often only have their email address.


For us it is just the time to create Zendesk contact profiles, our procedures often have us needing to CC in an account administrator from our own software, in which case we have to create a user in Zendesk. Account admins for our software change, so pre-loading a list won't keep Zendesk updated over time. Lots of one-off user creations. 


Yes.  Many of our CC's are just one offs.  We do not want nor allow unknown users without an account access to any of our resources like the Support Portal.  Creating all of these end users causes a lot of busy work to remove them from the system manually (As we do not have access to SQL to remove them all at once).  Allowing a CC without an ‘end-user’ account creation automatically just makes so much more sense and deals with the privacy issues.  They can get copied on the ticket and see the responses via the emails but never have an account!


Thanks for commenting Marilou!  Hope this request gains traction sometime. 


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