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Webhooks: How to re-try failed webhook events if listener endpoint was down.
Posted Feb 28, 2022
We want to understand that if there is any mechanism to re-try failed webhook events? We may have a situation where the listener endpoint of webhook might not be available during scheduled maintenance activities. So, during maintenance if we fail to deactivate the webhook, then we will miss the events. How do we ensure that no event gets missed.
Greg Katechis
Maintenance at Zendesk can have a wide range of impact of services and time of that impact. You can take a look at some recent notices about maintenance downtime to see some examples of these ranges. You can also see that even if certain services are impacted, the background services and APIs will continue to function. Because of this, it's not possible to give you an exact answer, since every situation is different. If there is any maintenance that we announce that will impact webhooks and the details that we share are not sufficient for your needs, you can always drop us a line and we can see what options we have on an individual basis to make this as smooth as possible for you.
I know it's not an exact answer, but I hope you can see that the nature of this type of work means that we can't have a specific response in this scenario. Let me know if you have any follow-up questions about this.
Gregory Clapp
The OP is talking about maintenance on the webhook's endpoint, so this reply about Zendesk maintenance windows isn't helpful unless Zendesk API is the endpoint.
I'm also curious to know how to webhook failures when an endpoint doesn't respond as expected, without having to check every webhook's activity log every day. I'm currently evaluating whether my organization can even use webhooks given this deficiency.
Greg Katechis
Hi Gregory, if you are looking for retry logic for our webhooks, you can find it here in our documentation.