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How to copy values between fields using triggers
Posted Mar 22, 2022
I'm currently trying to create a trigger to copy a custom text field on a ticket into a custom user field. When I use the following placeholder as the value to set user field to on the action, it doesn't treat the placeholder as a variable, and instead literally copies this text into the user field:
See below for a screenshot of what I'm trying to do:
Dave Dyson
Unfortunately, placeholders aren't useable as the values when creating triggers. Your use case might be something our product team would be interested in hearing about – would you mind creating a post in our Feedback - Ticketing System (Support) topic, using this template?
Amie Brennan
You could look to create a webhook that can update data inside of a ticket field. Check out this article we have on how to do this here:
How to copy ticket data into a custom field using a webhook
Let us know how you go. :)
Thanks Amie Brennan ! This looks like it could be just the thing I need. I just need to see I I can use the same approach to copy a ticket custom text value to a user custom field. Gonna give that a try.
Amie Brennan
Wondering if you managed to get it to work and what the JSON looked like that you used? I'm looking to push data from a custom user profile field into a custom ticket field upon ticket creation. Can't quite seem to get it working but I figure if you did, I could reverse engineer what you did for my needs. :)
Hi @Amie Brennan
Thank you for sharing the sample webhook. While your example is from string + ticket number for the value of a custom field. Is it possible to get the initial value from a certain text field instead?
get the value of field #1 "4413122487577" and paste it to field #2 "4413122501657"
I'm using this one, and it gives me a parse error.
JSON Body:
"ticket": {
"custom_fields": [{"id": 4413122487577, "value":"id": 4413122501657}]

Another question:
Similar to your example, have you tried creating a webhook to get the ticket ID from a follow-up ticket?
The final goal is to create a webhook that will get the follow-up ticket ID and automatically set it as an incident / link to the problem ticket
Sorry for having so many questions :( but thank you in advance :)
Efrat Barak Zadok
Hi Amie Brennan - I was wondering if there is a way you can copy a tag to a specific custom ticket field? In my case - I have tags that are created automatically from the chats and I want certain type of tags (i.e. those which start with 2020) to be copied into a custom field called ID. Do you know how I can set that via webhook?
Mike DR
Hope you're doing well! Would you need to copy all tags or just specific tags? AFAIK there isn't a way to copy a specific tag only (starting with 2020) unless a dev adds a condition for it via JSON.
Efrat Barak Zadok
Hi Mike DR, Can you elaborate more where and how to add that condition via JSON?
( In my case every ticket has one tag which starts with 2020 - I would like that tag value to be copied into a custom field in the ticket form)