SLA achieved tickets KPI - potential miscalculation?
Posted Mar 25, 2022
Hi there, I'm pretty new to Zendesk Explore so, please, forgive me if I'm getting anything wrong.
I'd like to focus on SLA achieved tickets KPI. Looking at its formula, (in Italian, I apologize)
D_COUNT(Ticket con SLA) - D_COUNT(Ticket con SLA violati) - SUM(Ticket con SLA attivi non violati)
which means that you:
- start from the total number of tickets (regardless of the metrics status)
- subtract the number of tickets that have at least one target breach (still regardless of the metric status)
- subtract the number of tickets that have at least one active metric and non breached target for that metric
This way you end up with the number of tickets where all metrics are completed and the relevant targets achieved.
The question is: what if you have a ticket evaluated against, for example, two metrics and:
- one is breached (active or completed, it doesn't matter, e.g. First Reply Time)
- one is active / non breached (e.g. Agent Work Time)
If I understood the formula, the same ticket is subtracted twice...
Where am I wrong?
1 comment
Gab Guinto
That is right, in that scenario, a ticket with both a previously breached target and an active unbreached one will be included (subtracted from the total SLA ticket count) twice in the metric calculation. To correctly report on achieved SLA tickets, it is recommended to filter or segment the data by the SLA policy name and/or the SLA metric. So, if you need to use the Achieved SLA tickets metric in a query, you will need to slice the data by policy or target metric to avoid scenarios like this.